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Size of collections

music scores together: ca. 42.000 vol., including:
:: printed music scores from 19th-20th century: ca. 30.000 vol.
:: old printed music scores from 16th-18th century: ca. 4.500 vol.
:: handwritten music scores from 16th-20th century: 4.000 units.;

books (specialist collection from history and theory of music): ca. 18.000 vol.;

music periodicals: ca. 400 titles.

Department’s collections are systematically replenished with modern publications.


Electronic catalogs:

:: Online catalog of Wroclaw University Library in VIRTUA system (OPAC) [Enter] [More information]

:: International catalog of music manuscripts RISM [Enter] [More information]

Digitized catalogs:

:: Alphabetical catalog of new printed music scores [Enter] [More information]

:: Subject catalog of new printed music scores [Enter] [More information]

(Digitized catalogs of general collections also contain information about books and periodicals from specialized collection of Music Collection Department that were published in the years 1801-1994).

:: Alphabetical catalog of general collections [Enter] [More information]

:: Periodical catalog of general collections [Enter] [More information]

Traditional catalogs (available locally)

:: Alphabetical catalog of new printed music scores*

:: Subject catalog of new printed music scores*

:: Alphabetical catalog of books*

:: Subject catalog of books*

:: Alphabetical catalog of music manuscripts*

:: Subject catalog of music manuscripts*

:: Alphabetical catalog of music old prints

:: Alphabetical catalog of former City Library's music manuscripts

:: Alphabetical catalog of former City Library's music scores

:: Alphabetical catalog of Polish music periodicals*

:: Alphabetical catalog of microfilms

Attention: catalogs marked with * are continued in the electronic form.

Printed Catalogs

  • Bohn Emil: Bibliographie der Musik-Druckwerke bis 1700 welche in der Stadtbibliothek, der Bibliothek des Academischen Instituts für Kirchenmusik und der Koeniglichen und Universitaets-Bibliothek zu Breslau aufbewahrt werden. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Musik im XV., XVI. und XVII Jahrhundert. Berlin 1883; reprint Hildesheim 1969.

  • Katalog rękopisów muzycznych XVIII i XIX wieku Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu ze zbiorów wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety = Katalog der Musikhandschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts der Universitätsbibliothek Breslau aus den Sammlungen der Breslauer St. Elizabethkirche, wybór i oprac. Aniela Kolbuszewska, Wrocław 2008, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis No 2997, Bibliothecalia Wratislaviensia 8

  • Kolbuszewska Aniela: Katalog mikrofilmów druków muzycznych Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu ze zbioru Królewskiego Gimnazjum w Brzegu. Wrocław 1995. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis No 1733, Bibliothecalia Wratislaviensia 3

  • Kolbuszewska Aniela: Katalog muzycznych dzieł teoretycznych XVI i XVII wieku. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu. Wrocław 1973

  • Kolbuszewska Aniela: Katalog zbiorów muzycznych legnickiej biblioteki księcia Jerzego Rudolfa „Bibliotheca Rudolphina” [dot. także pozycji znajdujących się obecnie w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu]. Legnica 1992