Serials Department
General information
Wroclaw University Library
Serials Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 34 63 119
e-mail: owc.bu[w]
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Department duties
Main duty of the Serials Department is completion of acquisition’s politic for serials, also in electronic form, with special stress on Silesia-Lusatian and bibliographical topics, as well as processing of periodicals’ collections, in particular:
acquisition and replenish of periodicals’ collections by mandatory copy, domestic and foreign purchases as well as subscription,
selection of new acquisitions designated for free access,
electronic cataloging (formal and subject) of periodicals, including items for restricting collections, as well as monographs from periodicals,
registering of new acquisitions, technical processing of periodicals,
administrating of doublets (serials),
organization of auctions, in cooperation with the Scientific Information Department, for foreign periodicals (electronic periodicals and databases),
cooperation with departmental libraries: training in creating electronic records for serials, help with registering and processing of periodicals.
Serials Department has following catalogs:
Paper-card catalog of periodicals present in the Wroclaw University Library (without departmental libraries).
Paper-card catalog holds full bibliographical descriptions of all titles, i.e.:
main cards with title with subtitle and publication institutions, publications’ details (place and year of publication), physical description (partial elements, format, size), bibliographical notes and signature,
partial, detailed cards with information about holding numbers: volumes, fascicle with all notices about any changes in periodic publication: changing of title, subtitle, publishing institution, format, frequency,
reference cards regarding mainly changes of title and publishing institution.
From 1995, when electronic catalog has been created, for all new titles in collections, the main card, so called signal card, with stamp zob. Katalog Komputerowy (see Electronic Catalog), is only included into the traditional catalog; that indicates, that full bibliographical information among with holding numbers is present in the electronic catalog. Older titles are also systematically entered into electronic catalog – in these cases their descriptions in the traditional catalog also receive the stamp zob. Katalog Komputerowy that directs to the electronic catalog for full information.
Card Catalog of Underground Publishing - Underground press periodicals are now catalogued in the online catalog. For convenience, Underground press periodicals have also been designated as a separate collection in the faceted search system of the online catalog.
The traditional catalog of reference collection, that holds bibliographical descriptions of publications that are helpful in serials cataloging (encyclopedias, language dictionaries, bibliographies of various kind).
Paper-card register for all serials’ titles. It records accessions’ source and price of all volumes of specific titles.
First and Last Name | tel. number / email |
Dep. manager mgr Ewa Grabarska | +48 71 3463 119ewa [kropka] grabarska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
mgr Grażyna Czajkowska | +48 71 3463 150grazyna [kropka] czajkowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
mgr Magdalena Gad | +48 71 3463 150magdalena [kropka] gad [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
Olga Głowacka | +48 71 3463 187olga [kropka] glowacka [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
mgr Katarzyna Herba | +48 71 3757 587katarzyna [kropka] herba [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
dr Natalia Kosaniak | +48 71 3463 147natalia [kropka] kosaniak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
mgr Monika Krzyśków (urlop) | +48 71 3463 187monika [kropka] krzyskow [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
Bożena Lipińska | +48 71 3463 128bozena [kropka] lipinska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
mgr Agnieszka Orłowska | +48 71 3463 150agnieszka [kropka] orlowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
Małgorzata Ostrowska | +48 71 3463 128malgorzata [kropka] ostrowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |
mgr Barbara Radlińska | +48 71 3463 147barbara [kropka] nowakowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |