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General information

Wroclaw University Library
Monographs Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 346 31 46

Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Department duties

Main duty of the Monographs Department is formal and subject cataloging of monographs and electronic documents, in particular:

  • recording of monographs and electronic documents for the main library,

  • creating records of monographs and electronic documents for electronic catalog,

  • traditional cataloging (formal and subject) of monographs from restricted collections,

  • technical processing,

  • central formal cataloging of monographs and electronic documents for departmental libraries.

Sections of Department

Cataloging Section for the Main Library - formal and subject cataloging in KABA language and LCC - Library of Congress Classification (new collections; for restricted collections – in accordance to systematic scheme) of new acquisitions for the Main Library’s collections, their detailed recording, entering records to electronic catalog.

Cataloging Section for Departmental Libraries - central processing of new acquisitions for departmental libraries, entering records to electronic catalog.

Section for Technical Processing - Section duties:

  • creating records of items, electronic register,

  • maintaining register for monographs from restricted collections,

  • putting super bookplates and call numbers on books and electronic documents, putting call numbers on catalog cards,

  • putting magnetic strips into books,

  • printing, sticking and foliation of labels with LC Classification on items designated for the free access area,

  • final revision of work,

  • changing status of item to “free access - can be borrow”,

  • changing status of item to “free access - can’t be borrow”,

  • shipping items according to their destination: FA/storage.


First and Last Name tel. number / email
Dep. manager mgr Zuzanna Strześniewska-Piątek +48 71 3463 146
Sekcja Opracowania dla Bibliotek Specjalistycznych
Sec. manager mgr Jolanta Domańska +48 71 3463 130
mgr Dorota Chrzanowska +48 71 3463 158
mgr Joanna Łybyk-Cebula +48 71 3463 158
Sekcja Opracowania dla Biblioteki Głównej
Sec. manager mgr Bartosz Jabłoński +48 71 3463 116
mgr Marek Boryczko +48 71 3463 165
mgr Hanna Błochowiak +48 71 3463 144
mgr Dorota Filip +48 71 3463 140
mgr Anna Foltyn +48 71 3463 160
mgr Aleksandra Gabriel +48 71 3463 140
mgr Ewelina Gawrońska +48 71 3463 144
mgr Agnieszka Golubiewska +48 71 3463 144
mgr Magdalena Grzela +48 71 3463 118
mgr Jolanta Hoffmann +48 71 3463 183
mgr Dominika Jabłońska +48 71 3463 151
mgr Bartłomiej Kot +48 71 3463 165
mgr Delfina Moździerska +48 71 3463 151
mgr Paulina Niedrygoś +48 71 3463 144
mgr Hanna Pacholska +48 71 3463 142
mgr Karolina Skowron +48 71 3463 142
mgr Monika Stańczyk +48 71 3463 160
mgr Iwona Zielińska +48 71 3463 151
Sekcja Opracowania Technicznego
Sec. manager mgr Elżbieta Mirowska +48 71 3463 169
mgr Magdalena Olszewska +48 71 3463 143
Małgorzata Skrzypek +48 71 3463 169
mgr Edyta Teleśnicka +48 71 3463 143