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Collections’ Acquisition Department

General information

Wroclaw University Library
Acquisitions and Collections Development Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 34 63 129

Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Department duties

Main duty of the Collections’ Acquisition Department is completion of acquisition’s politic for monographs, also in electronic form, with special stress on Silesia-Lusatian and bibliographical topics, in particular:

  • acquisition and replenishing of collections by domestic and foreign purchases, obligatory copy as well as exchange of monographs and serials,
  • cooperation with departmental libraries on the field of monographs’ exchange,
  • determination of possible ways of circulation for individual items,
  • entering new purchases into Acquisition database and written down accession numbers on documents,
  • administrating of doublets (monographs),
  • shipping books to cataloging department, accordingly to weekly workloads.


First and Last Name tel. number / email
Dep. manager mgr Anna Skowron-Jaślanek +48 71 3463 111
Dary/dokumenty życia społecznego
mgr Łukasz Haba +48 71 3463 127
Egzemplarz obowiązkowy
Marek Kwieciński +48 71 3463 148
mgr Wojciech Malart +48 71 3463 127
mgr Joanna Łobaza +48 71 3463 148
Dary/dokumenty życia społecznego
mgr Wanda Rochowska +48 71 3463 129
mgr Joanna Ładzińska-Grenś +48 71 3463 127
Kupno krajowe
dr Anna Jabłońska +48 71 3463 124
Kupno/dary antykwaryczne
mgr Witold Koterla +48 71 3463 159
mgr inż. Anna German +48 71 3463 170