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Library of the Institute of German Philology
pl. Nankiera 15
50-140 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 375 26 32
+48 71 375 24 50 (manager)
e-mail: biblioteka.ifg[w]

Opening hours

Opening hours from 3.10.23:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - 8.30 – 17.00

Tuesday, Friday - 8.30 – 15.00

Saturday* 9.30 – 14.30

* 24.02., 9.03., 13.04., 20.04. 11.05., 8.06., 15.06

Catalogs and registers

:: alphabetical catalog [Enter]

:: systematic catalog

:: reference collections catalog

:: periodical catalog

:: script catalog

:: microfiche and microfilm catalog

:: catalog of thesis and postgraduate’s thesis (alphabetical and systematic)


Name and first name phone +48 71 e-mail address
dr Bożena Snela (manager) 375 24 50 -
Małgorzata Laska 375 26 32 -
mgr Agnieszka Nowacka 375 26 32 -

List of periodicals available in Library

MS Word file