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General information

Content of Periodicals’ catalog

Periodicals’ catalog provides full information about periodicals published since 1801 till 1997 that there are in storages, reading rooms and all departments of Library.

Cards are sorted alphabetically according to title subject headings.

Attention: Since 1997 no new cards have been included into Catalog. Information about new periodicals’ titles that were acquired after 1.01.1998 is available only in electronic catalog. In paper card catalog these titles receive reference cards “zob. Katalog komputerowy” – see Computer catalog.


Basis for bibliographical description is title of first published volume, and if it is not in Library’s possession – title of first volume available in Library.

Periodicals that have changed title, receive reference cards from new title to old one.

High schools programs and reports till 1945, mainly from Silesia and Lusatian regions, are cataloged under one, unified formal title ”Programy i sprawozdania szkolne”. Further elements of sorting are: name of city and school.

Reports from institutions are cataloged under institution’s name. Headings are sorted alphabetically.

Types of cards

Description of periodicals in Periodicals’ catalog consists of title card on which are placed general information referring to publication as whole, and detailed card (cards), on which are placed information about volumes of periodic that are available.

If there are missing numbers within year, available parts are temporary written down with pencil, till the moment, when all volumes from the year are acquired.

Information about registers is placed in notice field besides proper volume.

Autonomous publications that exist within periodical (e.g. monographic numbers) have partial cards in Alphabetical catalog.

Sorting of cards

Cards in Periodicals’ catalog are sorted by Latin alphabet, with addition of letters j, k, w, without diacritic symbols.

Diacritic symbols in Polish and other languages are reduce to basic letter (e.g. letters ó, ô, õ, ö will be sorted like o).

In German, β and sz will be sorted like ss. In subject term, umlauts on main cards will be written by adding letter e to basic letter, e.g. ö will be written as oe etc.

Separated words or their abbreviations are decisive for order of cards.

Call numbers

Call number in Periodicals’ catalog is completed with additional stamp Period. = Periodical. On periodical’s cards there could be also other localizing stamps.

Ordering periodicals to Reading Room

Periodicals are ordered only via electronic form.

Periodicals could not be lend beyond library.

During ordering academic scientific fascicles (i.e. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis), besides year and volume, general number of collection should be written – it helps in localizing publication in the storage.

Electronic ordering is possible via Virtua electronic catalog (OPAC) or via digitized periodicals catalog.