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General information

Alphabetical catalog provides full information about all Library's collection published since 1801 till 1993, that are hold in main and Silesia-Lusatian Cabinet storages as well as in all reading rooms and departments of Library. Information about publications published since 1994 is available only in electronic catalog (OPAC).

Catalog cards are sorted alphabetically by author's name or title (in case of collective or anonymous publications).

In alphabetical catalog are also noted periodicals titles – in form of reference cards to Periodicals catalog.

Catalog does not provide information about special collections, such as manuscripts, old prints, original graphic, maps and music scores – these materials should be search in proper special collections departments in new building of the Library on Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.

Alphabetical catalog should be used, when:

  • name of author/-s is known,

  • title of anonymous or collective publication is known.

Content of catalog

Alphabetical catalog provides full information about all Library's collection published since 1801 till 1993, that are hold in storages, reading rooms and all departments of Library.

Catalog cards are sorted alphabetically by author's name or title.

In alphabetical catalog are also noted periodicals titles – in form of reference cards to Periodicals catalog.

Catalog does not provide information about special collections, such as manuscripts, old prints, original graphic, maps and music scores – this materials should be search in proper special collections departments in new building of the Library on Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.

Attention. To traditional alphabetical catalog NO new cards are inserted - current information regardin Library's collection is available ONLY in digitized catalog.


In alphabetical catalog name of author (author’s heading) or specific words taken from title of cataloged publication (title heading) serve as heading. Under author heading are cataloged publications that have one, two or three authors. If there are more of them, title heading is chosen.

Author’s heading

Author’s heading is build from name and first name (names) of author spelled originally in his/her native language, e.g.

Szekspir see Shakespeare

Original names of authors spelled in non-Latin alphabets are transliterated. Transliteration is the process of changing letters from non-Latin alphabet into proper Latin letters (see. transliteration charts).

For Greek and Roman authors Latin form is obligatory.

Latin form is obligatory also for medieval authors, unless national form is better known.

Saints and blessed as author’s heading receive their names in Polish, with addition of abbreviation św. (saint) or bł. (blessed).

For different form of name (not used as heading) proper general referenced cards are created.

Title subject heading

Title subject headings are given to: anonymous, collective (with more than three authors) publications or such that do not have listed authors (e.g. Materials..., Studies...).

Title heading can be single or multi-worded.

Multi-worded title subject heading is used, when few words create syntactically whole phrase, e.g.: Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych = United Nations, Polska Akademia Umiejętności = Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ex-libris etc.

As the beginning of title subject heading generally first word from the title should be used, omitting definite and indefinite articles as well as ordinals (e.g. Zjazd Bibliotekarzy Polskich, Trzeci = Congress of Polish Librarians, Third)

In catalog there is also used unified title subject heading - Biblia (Bible). Subject Bible (widen if needed by names of particular books or chapters as well as language designation) gather all editions and translations of Bible, separated Bible's books and apocrypha. Titles used in cataloged publication as well as names of authors, commentators, translators and publishers got they own reference cards.

Types of cards

In alphabetical catalog there are two types of cards: main and reference.

Main card contains full bibliographical description of publication.

Auxiliary cards

In catalog, besides main cards with full description of publication, there are also auxiliary cards that help in search of materials by other criterions then author or title.

Multiple catalog entries of one publication (under different elements, that user can remember) increase chances of finding it in catalog.

Auxiliary cards in alphabetical catalog are:

  • reference cards,

  • partial cards,

  • collective cards,

  • leading cards.

Reference, partial and collective cards allow to search for publication basing on information that is not placed in heading on the main card but pointed in further part of bibliographical description.

Leading cards help to recognize order of sorting used within one heading

Reference and partial cards through abbreviation zob. (=see) always direct to the main card, that is base for ordering of materials.

Reference cards

Auxiliary card used in catalog, called reference card, directs from one term to another to guide search into right direction. Description on reference card consists of two parts that are connected by phrase zob. (=see) or zob. też (=see also). In alphabetical catalog there are two types of reference cards: general and specific.

General reference cards

General reference cards for authors and titles direct from the form that is not used in catalog to proper term that stands as heading on the main card. General reference cards do not have call numbers.

Specific reference cards

Specific reference cards for authors and titles are always connected with main card of specific publication and have its signature on them. They are created for coauthors, editors, publishers, translators, illustrators etc., as well as persons and institutions, who are subject of publication or geographical names that are present in title of publication or are subject of monographic elaboration (this type of reference cards are concentrating writings about specific person, institution or place) and different titles of anonymous publications.

Partial cards

Partial cards are used when co-published publications or singular volumes of multivolume publications needed to be marked out.

Attention: When filling up receipt, as title is used main title of the whole publication and in the field “volume” should be written title of volume in which specific work is published.

Collective cards

Collective cards are created for numbered series and concentrate in one place information about all publications in specific series.

Leading cards

Leading cards help to recognize order of sorting used within especially large subjects, e.g. "Biblia” (Bible), "Mickiewicz Adam” etc.
Leading cards inform about method of organization of cards with the same subject.

Sorting of cards

Cards in alphabetical catalog are sorted by Latin alphabet, with addition of letters j, k , w, without diacritic symbols.

Diacritic symbols in Polish and other languages are reduce to basic letter (e.g. letters ó, ô, õ, ö will be sorted like o).

In German, β and sz will be sorted like ss. In heading umlauts on main cards will be written by adding letter e to basic letter, e.g. ö will be written as oe etc.

For order of cards decisive are separated words or their abbreviations, and not series of letters. Accordingly to this principle, as one word will be treated formal concrescence like abc, but abbreviation "A.B.C.” will be treated as three separated words.

Preposition in title subject heading is treated as separated word; it will be sorted in the following way:
Z badań
Z dziejów
Ze studiów

Concentrating of cards with the same author’s heading

Cards with the same author's heading are grouped, regardless of publication language, in the following order:

  1. reference cards to publications about author, in which specific person is co-editor, editor, translator etc.

  2. cards of oeuvre editions of publications of specific author – in alphabetical order of titles

  3. cards of individual publications of author – in alphabetical order of titles

  4. cards of publications written collectively with other authors (up to two).

Call number

Call number is the symbol of place of holding for library's materials. It is placed in top left corner of the card and consists of registry number (Arabic numbers) and designation of book format (Roman numbers).
Sometimes, besides signatures, on cards are also placed localizing stamps that inform in which department or collection materials are stored.

Cards with localizing stamps of any kind also inform, that those materials cannot by lend beyond the Library.

Scheme of localizing stamps that are in use in Library

Stamp Full name Availability of materials
LECT. Lectorium Materials in reference collection of Main Reading Room – free access during working hours of Reading Room
Oddz. Informacji Scientific Information Department Materials in reference collection of Scientific Information Department – available in Reading Room of Scientific Information Department during working hours of Reading Room of Scientific Information Department
Czytelnia Czasopism Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room

Materials in reference collection of Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room – available locally during working hours of Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room

Oddz. Gromadzenia Acquisitions and Collections Development Department Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.

Oddział  Opracowania Druków Zwartych Nowych (dawniej – Oddz.Oprac. Dr. Zwartych)


Monographs Department


Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.
Oddz. Oprac. Dr. Zwartych

Monographs Department


Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.

Oddz. Opracowania Zbiorów Zabezpieczonych


Monographs Department


Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.

Oddz. Oprac. Wyd. Ciągłych


Serials Department Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.
Oddz. Kat. Rzecz.

Monographs Department


Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.
Oddz. Bibliotek Zakład. Monographs Department Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.
Oddz. Kat. Alf. Monographs Department Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.

Samodzielna Sekcja

ds. Komputeryzacji


Computerization Department


Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.
Wypożycz. Zamiejscowa

Interlibrary Lending Department


Materials in reference collection of one of departments in Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.


Materials in reference collection of Director of Main Library – available in Main Reading Room on week-days till 2:00 p.m.
Oddz. Rękopisów Manuscripts Department Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.
Oddz.St. Druków Old Prints Department Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.

Oddz. Zbiorów


(wcześniej  - Gabinet Ikonograficzny)


Graphic Collection Department


Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.
Gabinet Ikonograficzny

Graphic Collection Department


Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.

Oddz. Zbiorów Muzycz.


Music Collection Department Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.

Oddz. Zbiorów Kartograf.


Maps Department Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.
Prac. Reprograficzna Reprographic and Digitization Unit Materials of special collections’ department available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.
Oddz. Bibliologiczny former Bibliological Department Materials of special collections’ department available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.
Gabinet Śląsko-Łużycki former Silesia – Lusatian Cabinet Materials of special collections’ department available in Silesian Collection Reading Room on week-days till 5:30 p.m.
Czytelnia Zbiorów Specjalnych Special Collections’ Reading Room Materials of former Bibliological Department available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after placing order till 2:30 p.m.
Zbiory Specjalne „Piasek” Special collections' departments Attention: that stamp does not specify, in which of special collections' departments there are materials. Materials available in Special Collections’ Reading Room after localizing them in proper catalogs.

Other stamps on catalog card

Stamp Information feature Availability of materials

Udostępnia się

na miejscu


Availability Materials available only in Main Raeding Room after placing order

Udostępnia się za zgodą

Dyrektora Biblioteki


Availability Materials for usage of which permission of Director of Library is needed; materials are available only in the Main Reading Room after placing order
Księgozbiór z Tarnowa 1949 r. origin Collection of Sanguszko family – materials available only in Main Reading Room after placing order



origin Collection of Potocki family – materials available only in Main Reading Room after placing order
CD-ROM Form of document Available locally in the Main Reading Room. Some materials could be lent beyond Library



fForm of document Available locally in the Main Reading Room
Period. Form of document Information that given document has periodic nature
[graphic sign in form of red circle] Internal information for librarians Stamp in form of a red circle that appears on some of cards has none meaning for circulation process of materials. It is information only for librarians from times when internal, working catalog for circulation departments was maintained.

Ordering of materials to the Main Reading Room

Materials, that can be ordered electronically, should be order in this way.

Other materials must be order from digitized catalog.