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General information

Online catalog (OPAC) of Wroclaw University Library has been created in January 1995
Catalog registers collections from Wroclaw University Library and departmental libraries.
Catalog includes bibliographical descriptions of books, periodicals and newspapers as well as electronic documents.

At present time electronic catalog includes all new acquisitions published after 1990 in case of Wroclaw University Library and from 1980 for departmental libraries.

Content of electronic catalog of WUL

Electronic catalog of Wroclaw University Library registers following collections from:

1. Wroclaw University Library:

  • books published after 1994 (whole collection) and published before 1994 – in selection (see Retrospective conversion),

  • current periodicals (whole collection) and titles no longer published – in selection,

  • electronic documents – whole collection,

  • maps and music materials – in selection,

2. Departmental libraries:

  • books published after 1995 and published before 1995 – in selection,

  • periodicals – in selection,

  • electronic documents – whole collection.

Localization and sub-localization codes for libraries and departments present in WUL's electronic catalog.

symbol short name of library/department (localization/sublocalization) full name of institute, department, section, department of WUL
Ant Antropologia Anthropology Department
Arch Archeologia Institute of Archeology
Ast Astronomia Institute of Astronomy
BAs Biblioteka Austriacka Austrian Library
Bbl Bibliotekoznawstwo Library of the Institute of Information and Media Sciences
Bch Biochemia Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BCn Centrum Brytyjskie British Center (British Council)
Btn Botanika Institute of Plants Biology
BZk BU – Biblioteki Zakładowe WUL – Autonomous Post for Departmental Libraries Affairs
Chm Chemia Faculty of Chemistry
Czs Czytelnia Czasopism WUL – Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room and Silesian Collection Reading Room
DCg BU – Druki Ciągłe WUL – Serials Department
DiKS Dziennikarstwo Department of Journalism and Social Communication
Dyr1 BU – Dyrekcja (Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.) Direction of WUL (Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.)
Dyr2 BU – Dyrekcja (Piasek) Direction of WUL (Sand Island Library)
DZw BU – Druki Zwarte WUL – Monographs Department
Etn Etnologia Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
FAn Filologia Angielska Institute of English Philology
FGr Filologia Germańska Institute of German Philology
FIn Filologia Indyjska * Indian Philology Unit
FKl Filologia Klasyczna Department of Classical, Mediterranean and Orient Studies
FLS Biblioteka Instytutu Filozofii **

Instytutu Socjologii

Katedry Logiki i Metodologii Nauk

Library of Institute of Philosophy **

Institute of Sociology

Deparments of: Logic and Methodology of Science

FPl Filologia Polska Institute of Polish Philology
FRm Filologia Romańska Institute of Romance Philology
FSl Filologia Słowiańska Institute of Slavic Philology
Fzk Fizyka Institute of Experimental Physics
Institute of Theoretical Physics
FZw Fizjologia Zwierząt Unit of Animal Physiology
Ggr Geografia Institute of Geography and Regional Development
Glg Geologia Institute of Geologic Studies
Grf BU – Zbiory Graficzne WUL – Graphic Collection Department
Grm BU – Gromadzenie WUL – Acquisitions and Collections Development Department
GSL BU – Gabinet Śląsko-Łużycki WUL - Silesia – Lusatian Cabinet
Hst Historia Institute of History
HSz Historia Sztuki Institute of History of Art
Ifr Informatyka******* Institute of Computer Science
Inf BU – Informacja Naukowa WUL – Scientific Information Department
JOg Językoznawstwo Ogólne *** Institute of the Comparative Linguistics
KAl BU – Katalog alfabetyczny WUL – Alphabetical Cataloging Department
Klt Kulturoznawstwo Institute of Culturology and Musicology
Krt BU – Zbiory Kartograficzne WUL – Maps Department
KRz BU – Katalog Rzeczowy WUL – Subject Cataloging Department
Lct BU-Czytelnia Główna WUL – Main Reading Room
Mag BU WUL – Main Storage
MKn BU – Magazyn i Konserwacja WUL – Book Storage and Conservation Department
MKl Meteorologia i Klimatologia Unit of Meteorology and Climatology
Mkr Mikrobiologia Institute of Genetics and Microbiology
MPrz Muzeum Przyrodnicze Natural Museum
Mtm Matematyka******* Institute of Mathematics
MtI Matematyka i Informatyka******** Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Muz BU – Zbiory Muzyczne WUL – Music Collection Department
Ndr Niderlandystyka Dutch Philology Department
NPI Nauki Polityczne **** Political Sciences
NSp Nauki Społeczne ***** Faculty of Social Sciences, former Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, Logic and Methodology of Science Department and Institute of Political Science
OBi BU – Bibliologia WUL – Bibliological Department
OBt Ogród Botaniczny Botanical Garden
P periodyk Periodical
PAd Prawo i Administracja Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy
Pdg Pedagogika Institute of Pedagogy
Psch Psychologia Institute of Psychology
Rkp BU – Rękopisy WUL – Manuscripts Department
Rpr BU – Reprografia WUL – Reprographic and Digitization Unit
S Skrypty Scripts
SDr BU – Stare Druki WUL – Old Prints Department
SJO Studium Języków Obcych Foreign Language Center
SSK BU – Sekcja Komputerowa WUL – Computerization Department
Wpz BU – Wypożyczalnia WUL – Lending Departments
Zlg Zoologia Institute of Zoology

* Separated collection of India Philology Section at Library of the Classical, Mediterranean and Orient Studies

** Library functioned to September 2000, later merged with Library of the Faculty of Social Sciences

*** Library functioned to December 2003, later merged with Library of the Institute of German Philology

**** Library functioned to September 2000, later merged with Library of the Faculty of Social Sciences

***** Created by merging Library of Institute of Political Sciences and libraries of institutes of: Philosophy, Sociology and Logic

***** Library functioned to 2006, later with Library of Institute of Mathematics created Library of Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science

******* Library functioned to 2006, later with Library of Institute of Computer Science created Library of Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science

******** Created by merging Library of Institute of Computer Science with Library of Institute of Mathematics

List of departmental libraries not included in electronic catalog

Electronic catalog of Wroclaw University Library does not comprise any information about the collections of the following departmental libraries:

British Center (British Council) (library has its own electronic catalog)

Library of the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies (library has its own electronic catalog)

Information about other departmental libraries' collections is available in electronic catalog and their materials are centrally cataloged by Wroclaw University Library and cooperating libraries.

Every item, that is present in electronic catalog, in its field "Shelf Location” of MARC record has an information, where that particular entity is held. Call Number of item originating from departmental libraries’ collections, is marked by localization code

Attention. Current acquisitions of some departmental libraries are still processed in traditional way – on catalog cards. Information about those items is available in traditional paper card catalogs of departmental libraries in WUL main building as well as in particular departmental library

Retrospective conversion

After year 1995 library materials with earlier date of publish were entered into electronic catalog by means of retrospective conversion.

Retrospective conversion in Wroclaw University Library included:

  • books published after 1994

  • collections of scripts and text-books

  • monographic fascicles from Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis series

  • books from Biblioteka Narodowa series

and in selection:

  • books published in 1993

  • publications of employees of UoW (mostly published after 1973)

  • emigrant literature (published after 1980)

  • reference collection of Main Reading Room (without publications published before 1945 and some multivolume publications like encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.)

  • editions of books, that titles were included in scripts and text-books collection

  • editions of books, that titles were included in reference collection of Main Reading Room

  • multivolume publications, that following volumes were published after 1995

In selected departmental libraries, materials included in retroconversion process were:

  • reference collections of reading rooms as well as scripts and text-books

  • collections from previous years selected on basis on internal directives.

Subject terms

Bibliographical descriptions of books and periodicals from Wroclaw University Library are supplied with subject terms. Some items from departmental libraries collections don't have subjects terms included.

KBK - Library of Congress Classification

Bibliographical descriptions of books and periodicals from Wroclaw University Library that are destined to be accessible in free access mode are supplied with classification symbol accordant to Library of Congress Classification.

Book status

Items records of all library materials included in electronic catalog have given status, i.e. description of their current states in the processes of: cataloging, circulation, conservation etc.

Statuses related to circulation process




Item can be ordered by user.

Na miejscu

Item cannot be lend beyond the library. Item is available only for usage in reading rooms.


Item is ordered by user via electronic catalog to Local Lending Department or Reading Room. Item ordered but not collected by user for 3 days, automatically receive status "Dostępny” or "Na miejscu".

Zwrot (data)

Item has been borrowed by user. After phrase “Zwrot (data)”(„Due Date”) displayed date indicates, when book should be returned to the storage.

Informacja na miejscu w bibliotece

Item is available in departmental library. Information about status of item can be received in the departmental library.

Właśnie zwrócony

Item has been returned by user, but it has not yet been placed on the storage shelf. It will be available on the next day.

Krótki termin ważności

Item has been lend for the period of 14 days.

W drodze

Item is unavailable, en route between different localizations.

Nie zwrócono w terminie

Item is unavailable because of overdue by user.

Statuses related with proceeding of library materials:



W oprac. czasopism

Annual bound volume (fascicle) of periodical is unavailable – in processing.

W rzeczowym oprac.

Item is unavailable - book is in the course of subject cataloging.

W oprawie

Item is unavailable – in the course binding.

W konserwacji

Item is unavailable – in the course conservation.

W reprografii

Item is unavailable – temporary in Reprographic and Digitization Unit.

Czasowo niedostępny

Item is unavailable – lack of item on storage shelf.


Item lost by user.


Item withdrawn from collection because of its damage, expiring of its information value etc.

Klasyfikacja KBK

Item is unavailable – book is in the course of classification process (Library of Congress Classification). Status will be automatically changed after five work days.


Item deleted from collections on basis of lacks’ register.

W opracowaniu

Item is in the course of formal and subject processing .