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:: Alphabetical book catalog of former City Library in Wroclaw [Enter] [More information]

:: Alphabetical paper-card catalog (for years 1931-1945)

:: Systematic paper-card catalog (to 1930)

:: Systematic paper-card catalog (for years 1931-1945)

:: Subject paper-card catalog

:: Periodicals’ catalog

Catalogs of former City Library provide information about scientific city library, that was merged with Wroclaw University Library in 1946.

Catalogs of former City Library consist of: antique alphabetical book catalog (comprising of 300 volumes) and its continuation for years 1931-1945 in form of alphabetical paper-card catalog as well as subject catalogs: two systematic, older on cards of measurement 19x10,5 cm and its continuation for years 1931-1945 – on internationally standardized cards as well as subject catalog.

Alphabetical catalogs provide full information about City Library’s collections; systematic catalogs were badly damaged during Second World War.

Although new collections of City Library, i.e. books published after 1800, were all re-cataloged – pre-War catalogs all still in use, mainly during searches for German publications.

Pre-War periodicals, that collections has not yet been fully re-cataloged, are registered in old periodicals catalog.

Access to catalogs of former City Library is limited. They are located in part of the building, that is closed for public and access to them is only possible after registering in Scientific Information Department. Alphabetical book catalog in form of microfiches is available for everyone in Main Reading Room.