Alphabetical catalog of former Silesia - Lusatian Cabinet
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Since 1st December 2024 digitized alphabetical catalog of former Silesia - Lusatian Cabinet is no longer updated.
Catalog delivers full information about materials published in years 1801-2000 that are present in Silesia-Lusatian collection. To acquire full information about all Silesia-Lusatian collection's materials, combined search in both, electronic and digitized, catalogs is needed.
Electronic ordering from digitized catalog
For readers with library card (with the mode of online ordering to reading rooms) online ordering of collections to reading rooms of Library is available.
Over scanned picture of catalog card there is button „Zamówienie” (Request) that allows online ordering of materials.
Orders from Silesia - Lusatian Cabinet catalogs (alphabetical and subject) are accomplished in the Silesian Collection Reading Room.
Reference cards (with phrase „zob.”) should not be basis for online ordering.