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Catalog contains information about printed music scores published in years 1801 - 2009. For complete information about library’s collections we advise to combine searching in digitized catalog with electronic one.

Cards in catalog are sorted by Latin alphabet without diacritic symbols, other alphabets (e.g. Cyclic) are transliterated.
In order to make easier the search process by means of digitized card catalogs the information tabs separating the most prominent composers as well as various forms of their music are used.
In the catalog an alphabetical sorting mixed with subject one have been used. This means that the cards have been sorted by the names of the composers whose works are sorted first by the collected editions, musical forms (e.g. concert, opera, songs), uniform titles of works and form of musical notation (e.g. score, voices, piano transcriptions etc.). User can first find the opera as a whole, then its overture and then the individual parts of the opera in alphabetical order. The same principle has been applied to the sorting of works with accordance to their form, so scores and voices will precede piano transcriptions or other arrangements.
Uniform title of the composer's works are grouped by the first edition of the same score in different languages in alphabetical order, so there is need to search entire tab when looking for particular item.