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In 1866 combined collections of Thomas Rehdiger (previously stored by St. Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw) as well as ones from St. Mary Magdalene and St. Bernard churches libraries created City Library available for readers.
For this collection, in the early 20th century, has been created 13-volumed Catalog of manuscripts of City Library. It consists of circa 1500 manuscripts' descriptions, focusing on semblance characteristics of manuscripts, created by Udo Lincke and Alfons Hilk. Unfortunately, this catalog lacks indices.
All manuscripts have call number according to numerus currens system. For Rehdiger's collection numbers from 1 to 1000 were reserved, for codices from St. Mary Magdalene Church - numbers from 1001 to 1600, and for manuscripts from St. Bernard Church – numbers from 1601 to 2000. For provenience recognition, the letters are placed in call numbers before following number: R (for manuscripts originating from Rehdiger’s collection), M (for codices from St. Mary Magdalene Church’s library) and B (for collections from St. Bernard Church’s library). Historical call numbers are also in use nowadays. Red capital letter “Z” standing next to call number distinguished manuscript preserved after war.