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Digitized catalog of Maps’ Department holds information on catalog description created after Second World War, so at the same time it also gives information about current collection included in Main Inventory of Department. What makes it different from other catalogs is that main subject heading is geographical name, and not author of publication, like in case of books. Subject headings can be names of: continents, countries, cities, rivers, mountains etc. Exception from this rule are general atlases, that are gathered under subject heading „atlas” and war maps for which cards are arranged alphabetically by names of wars, and within them: chronologically.

Bibliographical descriptions consist of three elements: geographical name, indicator of kind of map, of plan or sight's type and date of publication of print. Taking into account date of publication an exception are historical maps that have historical event date or period of time included in the title. Fascimilla editions of maps are cataloged under original print date, and date of reproduction’s creation is given besides of original date.

Digitized catalog consists only of main and reference cards with geographical names. Catalog of reference cards from authors and types of maps, plans and sights, as well as from sights, plans and all kinds of reproductions is only available in Reading Room of Maps’ Department.

On 31.12.2006 alphabetical catalog has been closed. Information regarding collections, that were acquired and processed after 1.01.2007 are to be found in electronic catalog of Wroclaw University Library.