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General information

Traditional paper-card Central Catalog of Departmental Libraries is located in the new building of Wroclaw University Library (Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.).

Catalog provide information, in alphabetical order, about books and periodicals that are present in departmental libraries, without Library of British Center that has its own electronic catalog.

Catalog cards in Central Catalog of Departmental Libraries have property stamps of specific departmental libraries.

Materials from this catalog could only be ordered in proper departmental library.

Central catalog holds, in catalog box No. 1, information about current names and addresses of all 38 departmental libraries, as well as references from old names and addresses.

Cards are sorted by Latin alphabet, with addition of letters J and W.

Central Catalog of Departmental Libraries. Periodicals

This catalog holds information about current periodicals and ones that are no longer published or library size acquisition – that titles have annotation „tytuł nie kontynuowany” (title no longer purchase).

Current titles are updated at least once in two years, mostly once in a year.

Catalog is also updated with new titles.

Catalog doesn't have information about periodicals from Library of British Center and Austrian Library.