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The Lindisfarne gospels and the early medieval world

Michelle P. Brown

Introduction: the Significance of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 35
The Text . . 35
Origins and Reception . . 36
What Did the Lindisfarne Gospels Mean to the Community of Faith and to its Maker? . . 38
What Did the Lindisfarne Gospels Mean to Wider Society? . . 39

1. The World of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 41
The World View . . 41
  East meets West . . 44
The Historical Background in Britain and Ireland: Constructing the Cultural Landscape . . 45
  Emerging into History: Prehistoric Roots and Roman Imperium . . 45
  The Aftermath of Empire: the early Anglo-Saxons and their Conversion . . 48
  Rebuilding Rome in Britain . . 57
  Creating the Cult of St Cuthbert: a Rallying Point for Reconciliation in the North . . 60

2. The Biography of the Book . . 63
Aldred's Colophon and Community Tradition concerning the Making of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 63
The Biographies of the Book's Makers . . 64
Transcription and Translation of Aldred's 'Colophon Group' . . 66
The Significance of Aldred's Additions . . 67
Genesis: the Book's Origins . . 70
The Scholarly Debate . . 70
The Lindisfarne Context for Production . . 71
The Lindisfarne Gospels and the Cult of St Cuthbert . . 72
The Viking Raid and the Later History of the Book . . 72
The Community of St Cuthbert - from Lindisfarne to Durham . . 74
Symeon of Durham and Possible References to the Lindisfarne Gospels in the Early 12th century . . 76
  Back to Lindisfarne? . . 77
The Dissolution and Later History . . 79
Later Medieval and Modern Additions and Ownership . . 79

3. The Text of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 83
The Place of the Lindisfarne Gospels in the Dissemination of Scripture . . 84
Wearmouth-Jarrow, the Ceolfrith Bibles and their Influence . . 85
The Lindisfarne Gospels' Textual Stemma . . 87
The Jerome Prefaces, the Canon Tables and the Gospels' Prefatory Matter . . 91
The Liturgical Evidence . . 92
Lindisfarne, Wearmouth-Jarrow and the Roman Rite . . 93

4. The Word made word: the Palaeography of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 95
The Text Script . . 95
The Lindisfarne Gospels and Insular Palaeography . . 95
  Palaeographical Description . . 100
  Punctuation . . 101
  Abbreviations . . 102
  Orthography . . 102
  Numerical Annotation and Corrections . . 102
Display Script and Major Initials . . 103
The Place of the Lindisfarne Gospels in Insular Display Scripts . . 104
The Use of Initials . . 105

5. The Art of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 107
Decorated Incipit Pages and Initials . . 108
Painted Crosses, Painted Prayer-mats, Painted Prayer . . 109
The Evangelist Miniatures . . 114
Early Christian Context and Insular Reception . . 116
The Lindisfarne Evangelist Miniatures and the Insular Tradition . . 117
Ornament: the Menagerie of the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Vortex of Creation . . 123
Styles and Principles of Design .  125

6. The Making ot the Undisfarne Gospels . . 135
Technical Innovation Used in Planning the Layout . . 135
Divine Geometry . . 141
Palette and Painting Technique . . 143
Materials and Pigment Analysis . . 144
Naturalistic or Stylised, Iconic or Aniconic? Cultural Implications of the Fainting Style . . 148
Sacred Codicology: Assembly, Writing and Binding . . 149
  Procedures for Making a Medieval Manuscript . . 149
  The Membrane and Quires . . 150
Collation, Dimensions, Pricking and Ruling . . 151
Binding History . . 151
The Original Binding . . 151
The Nineteenth-Century Treasure Binding, the Earlier Treasure Binding and the Cottonian Rebinding . . 153

Conclusion . . 155
Preaching with the Pen: the Meaning and Making of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 155

General Reading . . 162
Collations, Transcriptions, Glossaries and Printed Editions of the Text of the Lindisfarne Gospels . . 162
Notes . . 163
Bibliography . . 170
Index . . 176

The Taymouth Hours : stories and the construction of the self in late Medieval England

Kathryn A. Smith

List of Plates, Figures, Maps and Family Tree . . vi
Photographic Acknowledgements . . xviii
Acknowledgements . . xix
Abbreviations . . xxii

1 Introduction: Stories, Self and the Illustrated Devotional Manuscript . . 1
2 Sacred and Secular: The Anglo-Norman Devotions and their Illustration . . 61
3 Text and Image: The Latin Hours of the Holy Spirit, Trinity and Virgin and their Illustration . . 110
4 Temptation, Sin, Repentance and Redemption: From the Short Office of the Cross through the Office of the Dead . . 206
Afterword . . 293

Appendix: The Taymouth Hours . . 298
Bibliography . . 321
Index of Manuscripts Cited . . 350
Index . . 355

The book and the transformation of Britain, c.550-1050 : a study in written and visual literacy and orality

Michelle P. Brown

Introduction: What Does 'Literacy' Mean in this Period? . . 7

1. Conversion: Scribes, the Sacred and Social Change . . 13
   From Pamphlet to Pandect: the Codex and the Codification of Scripture The Book as Speculum of the Transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages . . 22
   Visualising Sound in Graphic Form: New Ways of Teaching and Learning . . 30
   Disseminating Scripture: Being the Book - the Scribe as Evangelist . . 44

2. Creating communities of reading . . 57
   The Rise of Written Vernacular Languages . . 60
   Women and the Book in the pre-Alfredian Era . . 73
   Inscriptions - words to be seen and not heard? . . 78
   Books and other Icons . . 85

3. Language, literature and libraries . . 99
   The Impetus of Incomers . . 99
   Official Intervention? Assessing the Alfredian Contribution . . 109
   Libraries: the Collection and Retention of Cultural Memory . . 127
   Women and other Bibliophiles . . 144
   The Last Word . . 149

Notes . . 157
Bibliography . . 171
List of Illustrations . .179
Index . . 181

Medieval German textrelations : translations, editions and studies : (Kalamazoo Papers 2010-2011)

ed. by Sibylle Jefferis

Foreword . . v

1. Low German Medieval Literature: Legends, Drama, Epics, Translations (2010)
"Geschichte und Legende in der niederdeutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: Balthasar von Esens und Dietrich von Bern in der Flugschrift Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Yf 8061 R". . . 1
"Stephan von Dorpat and His Low German Translation of the Disticha Catonis" . . 15
"Die mittelniederdeutschen Übertragungen aus dem Heiligenleben Hermanns von Fritzlar: Alexius und Von den Aposteln (mit Editionen)." . . 41

2. Medieval German (Heroic) Epics (2010)
"The Structure of Wigalois: Parallel Confrontations in the Christian/Arthurian and Heathen/Demonic Realms." . . 73
"The Experience of Exile in Medieval German Heroic Poetry." . . 83

3. Medieval German Chronicles: Welt-, Landes-,Stadt-, Fürsten-Chroniken and Others (2011)
"Die schlesische Prosabearbeitung Cronica von Schondochs Königin von Frankreich und der ungetreue Marschall (mit Neuedition)." . . 111

4. Low German Medieval Literature: Legends, Drama, Epics, Translations (2011)
"The 1518 Low German Edition of Hieronymus Brunschwig's Buch der Cirurgia and Its Terminology." . . 189
"The Redeemed Wizard: The Figure of Merlin in Der Rheinische Merlin." . . 255
"Influences of the Northern European Epic Tradition on the Reliefs of the Facade of the Basilica of San Zeno (mit 24 Abbildungen)." . . 267

5. Appendix (1999/2011)
"Legenden und Legendare: Bilanz der letzten 30 Jahre am Beispiel der Alexiuslegende A (mit Edition des Münchner Fragments aus Regensburg sowie Faksimiles, einem Stemma der AlexiusA Hss. und zwei Fresken aus Regensburg und Esslingen)." . . 317

List of Contributors . . 389

(Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik ; Nr. 765)

Lateinische Pergamenthandschriften österreichischer Provenienz in der Polnischen Nationalbibliothek

Herrard Spilling

Dank . . 5
Zur Geschichte der Bibliothek des griechisch-katholischen Domkapitels von St. Johannes Baptista in Przemyśl . . 7
Herkunft und Verzeichnung der in die Bibliothek von St. Johannes Baptista in Przemyśl gelangten Handschriften . . 19
Merkmale Reiner Provenienz in den Przemyśler Handschriften . . 46
Stilelemente Reiner Handschriften des 12. Jahrhundert . . 55
Reiner Handschriften aus Przemysl . . 58
  Handschriften des späten 12. Jahrhunderts . . 58
  Handschriften des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts . . 70
Die Przemyśler Pergamenthandschriften ohne Provenienzvermerk . . 74
  Ms. 8009 III . . 74
  Die Makulatur in Ms. 8009 III . . 86
    Zur Textüberlieferung der Ars Laureshamensis . . 86
    Paläographische Einordnung der Fragmente der Ars Laureshamensis . . 101
  Ms. 8017 II . . 145
  Die Zusätze am Ende von Ms. 8017 II . . 180
  Die Makulatur in Ms. 8017 II . . 224
    Das Psalterfragment . . 224
    Das Fragment der Homilien Gregors des Großen . . 225
Transkription der Fragmente der Ars Laureshamensis in Ms. 8009 III . . 271
Handschriftenkatalog . . 317
Literatur- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis . . 377
Verzeichnis der Abbildungen auf der CD-ROM . . 387
Verzeichnis der zitierten Handschriften . . 391
Schlagwortverzeichis . . 399
Initienverzeichnis . . 407

(Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; Bd. 846)