Direkt zum Inhalt
ed. by Luisa Marquardt and Dianne Oberg ; forew. by Randi Lundvall and Diljit Singh



Foreword . . 1
Introduction . . 3

Part 1 School Library Education and Implementation Models

A Self-Evaluation Model for School Libraries in Portugal . . 11
Building a Model School Library at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Piyungan in Yogyakarta, Indonesia . . 22
Developing Understanding of Information Literacy within the Croatian School Environment . . 33
Personal Learning Networks and Participatory Culture: Getting Teacher-Librarians Connected in the 21st Century . . 44
A New Operational Culture: The Case of the School Library in the Information Society Project in Oulu, Finland . . 57
Assessing School Library Learning Environments . . 71

Part 2 Promoting Literacies through the School Library

Reading Opens All Doors: An Integrated Reading Program at Genazzano College in Melbourne, Australia . . 85
Fun with Readathon: Helping Namibian Children to Love Books . . 96
Developing Information Literacy through Primary School Libraries in Nigeria . . 108
GigglelT and Global Citizenship: School Libraries, Literacy and Laughter . . 118
'Body in the Library': A Cross-Curriculum Transliteracy Project . . 130
HIV/AIDS Corners in Botswana Schools and Libraries . . 140

Part 3 School Libraries for All

School Libraries and Human Rights . . 153
Camels, Burros, Elephants, Boats and Trucks: Bringing Books and Literacy to Children in Remote Communities . . 159
Botswana's Book Box Service to Primary Schools . . 168
Participation of Croatian School Librarians in Teaching Children with Intellectual Disabilities . . 177
Lubuto Library Project: Bringing Knowledge to Zambian Children . . 188

Part 4 Expanding the Reach of School Libraries through Technology

Providing Web Based Online Reference Resources for Schools: An Alberta Success Story . . 201
The Belgrano Day School Model Project: Using Mobile Technology in a School Library in Argentina . . 212
Information Literacy on the Move: Mobile Learning with Netvibes, R Codes and More . . 223
Web 2.0 and Our School Library at The Hamilton and Alexander College in Victoria, Australia . . 232

Part 5 Government Initiatives for School Library Development

The School Library as a Tool to Empower Literacy and Improve Schools: A Swedish Government Initiative . . 245
Focus on Reading Education and Information Literacy: The Norwegian School Library Program . . 254
Seize the Day! Developing School Libraries in Finland . . 264
A Long Walk to Significant School Libraries for All: Government Policies in Portugal, 1986-2010 . . 278

Part 6 Organizations for School Library Advocacy and Development

ENSIL: Advocacy of School Libraries in the Educational Context . . 287
SLA: Using Evidence to Move Forward . . 299
RuSLA: Policymaker for School Library Development . . 308
IFLA SLRC: Developing Policy and Guidelines . . 319
IASL: Sustaining the Vision for 40 Years . . 325

Afterword . . 334
Index .. 335

(IFLA Publications ; 148)