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The original catalog by Stanislaw Kozak (1943-2004) was started in 1991 and interrupted in 1993. It includes part of modern, present-day and contemporary European ex-librises since 16th till 20th century in form of single items, files, albums and artificial albums that combined together create special collection of 2652 items marked with 2149 call numbers from 10001 to 12149 (other ex-librises from Graphic Collection Department are placed in books and periodicals and they are described in appropriate catalogs).


Topographic catalog (by call numbers) of ex-librises of Silesian and German-language authors since 16th till 20th century, from call number 10001 to 10994, omitting number 10426 as well as Polish and European authors since 1717 till 11971 number. Search term is call number (register number in inventory).

Scheme of topographic ex-librises catalog card:

call number (number in register)

Name, firs name and biographical data of author (graphic artist)

Original title


Description of motif (content)

Signature (autograph) of author

Technique, size in centimeters

Additional notices

Alphabetical catalog sorted by authors holds 1248 items from call number Inw. eksl. 10001 to 10994, omitting number 10426. It includes anonymous authors (120 cards at the begining) from position 10845/ Ex Libris Annemarie Erfurth, sorted by additional information, mainly in chronological order or topographically to position 10041/ Artysta nieznany - Śląsk XX w. (Artist unknown – Silesia 20th century), through monogram 10046/ AF up to alphabeitcal order, from position 10800/ Ade Mathilde ending at position 10035/ Żukowski Michał.

Catalog card sorted alphabetcally by authors is identical to card from topographic order, here the main heading is created by name of author (artist) or designation for anonymous positions: Artysta nieznany, Autor nieznany, Autor nieznany – Śląsk (Artist unknown, Author unknown, Author unknown – Silesia) etc. or lack of headings like in case of first six positions.

Alphabetical catalog of owners of collective or indivdual ex-librises from Aass Assbjorn to Żurowski Tadeusz and additionally Bibliothek Deutsches Polen Instytut. Serach terms is name of owner of sign.

Scheme of owner of ex-librises alphabetical catalog card:

Reference to call number (number in register) in topographic catalog.

Name, first name and biographical data of owner

Original title

Description of motif (content)

Design (name, first name and biographical data of author)


Technique, size in centimeters

Additional notices

Additional notices

Catalog unit, regardless of if ex libris is singular item, part of file or album, is always one copy (image). Information about belonging an item to collection (portfolio, album) is placed on catalog card in additional notices.

Proper call number entry has, omitted on catalog cards, abbreviation „Inw. eksl.” (Ex librieses register), that prefaces number.

In owners catalog is used concordance:

Inw. eksl. 11915 – 11919 = Inw. eksl. 12021 - 12025

Inw. eksl. 11920 – 11971 = Inw. eksl. 12026/1-52

Helpful for readers can be following printed partial catalogs of Silesian and German-language ex-librises:

1. Persönlichkeitszeichen. Exlibris Deutscher Künstler des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Breslau. Berlin 1993 (Exhibition catalog of 200 ex-librises in Obere Galerie in Berlinie, 20th July to 15th August 1993).

2. Signum Libri Decor um. Wrocław i wrocławianie w dawnym ekslibrisie. Katalog wystawy w Muzeum Miejskim Wrocławia w listopadzie 2002. Wrocław 2002 (17 ex-librises from WUL).

3. Arcydzieła ekslibrisu europejskiego końca XIX i początku XX wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu. Exhibition catalog of 202 ex-librises (reproductions) in Wroclaw University Library, May - October 2006).