Direkt zum Inhalt
Adrian Năstase [et al.]

Introduction . . 13
Chapter 1 National Minorities' Protection in the Contemporary European State . . 19
Chapter 2 National Minorities' Protection - a Shared Responsibility? Home-State versus Kin-State . . 39
Chanter 3 The Objective of the Protection - the Achievement of Equality of Treatment and Chances between Minority and Majority . . 53
Chapter 4 The Instruments of Minorities' Protection - the Prevalent Role of Agreements . . 85
Chapter 5 Unilateral Measures Taken by the Kin-States as Domestic Legal Acts . . 113
Chapter 6 The Issue of an Administrative Document by the KinState for National Minorities . . 135
Chapter 7 Contemporary Special Measures alias Positive Discrimination fhe Relationship between the Home-State and the Kin-State . . 159
Chapter 8 Shaping New Standards of Minorities' Protection: the Guidelines of the Venice Commission and of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities . . 175
Chapter 9 The Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary concerning the Law on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries and Issues of Bilateral Co-operation, Signed in Budapest on the 22nd of December 2001 . . 193
Chapter 10 The Role of Minorities' Protection in the Future Europe . . 217

The Authors . . 229
Annexes . . 231