Direkt zum Inhalt
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode

List of Figures and Tables . . IX

1 An Enduring Struggle . . 1
2 Livestock Disease Environment and Industry Dynamics . . 19
3 The Battle to Create the Bureau of Animal Industry . . 42
4 The BAI in Action: Establishing the Area Eradication Model . . 63
5 Bad Blood: Deciphering Texas Fever and Confining Its Spread . . 94
6 Contagions and Crises: Foot-and-Mouth Disease . . 115
7 The Hog Cholera Puzzle: Controversy and Discovery . . 138
8 Trichinosis, Trade, and Food Safety . . 156
9 The Benevolence of the Butcher: The Creation of Federal Meat Inspection . . 172
10 Bovine Tuberculosis and the Milk Problem . . 219
11 The Eradication oi Texas Fever: Conflict and Cooperation . . 251
12 An Impossible Undertaking: Eradicating Bovine Tuberculosis . . 278
13 Getting Off the Fix: Hog Cholera Eradication . . 302
14 The Mirror of the Past . . 316

Abbreviations . . 325
Notes . . 327
Bibliography . . 405
Acknowledgments . . 447
Index . . 449