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Encounters with Tadeusz Kantor

Krzysztof Miklaszewski ; ed. and transl. by George Hyde



List of Plates . . ix
Introduction to the Series . . xi
Acknowledgements . . xii
Translator's Preface . . xiii
Introduction . . 1

1 The Legislator and the Renovator of Radical Ideas . . 5
2 Towards the Impossible Theatre (Conversation, June 1972) . . 9
3 Tadeusz Kantor's Cloahroom (Film script, 1973-1974) . . 14
4 Lovelies and Dowdies (Critical Commentary, 1974) . . 30
5 Dead Class, or a New Treatise on Mannequins (Conversation, October 1975) . . 34
6 A Gripping Seance: Dead Class . . 42
7 Around the World with Dead Class . . 47
  Kantor in the British Isles (1976) . . 48
  In the Eyes of the French (1977) . . 52
  Shiraz (1977) . . 57
  New York (1979) . . 59
  Toga-mura and Tokyo (1982) . . 64
8 Kantor in Opposition to Himself (Conversation, July 1980) . . 68
9 Between Absolute Form and the Revelation of Feeling: Wielopole, Wielopole . . 73
10 On the State of Things, the Avant-garde, Innovation, Luck, Truth, and Success (Conversation, June 1981) . . 82
11 Cricotage under Villon's Banner: Ou Sont les Neiges d'Antan? . . 90
12 The Theatre is Art, First and Foremost (Conversation, November 1983) . . 100
13 Let the Artists Die! (Notes from the year 1985) . . 110
14 I - The Master: A Documentary on the Making of Kantor's Let the Artists Die! by Krzysztof Miklaszewski (1985-1986) . . 120
15 A Sixteen-minute Pre-premicre Ovation . . 125
16 Did I Help or Did I Hinder? (Conversation, July 1986) . . 128
17 Exegi Monumentum, or The Machine of Love and Death (Description in dialogue form, July 1987) . . 132
18 ". . . Nothing Further . . ." (Notes from conversations, March 1988) . . 135
19 Between Love and Death (Kantor's Farewell, 15 December 1990) . . 143

Afterword: Kantor's Ascension . . 147
Postscript: Kantor's Theatre, without Kantor (1999) . . 150
Tadensz Kantor (1915-1990): A Chronicie of his Life and Works . . 155
Tadeusz Kantor: World Bibliography . . 164
Authors and their Works . . 168
Index of Names . . 170

(Routledge Harwood Polish and East European Theatre Archive ; vol. 8)

Research methods for social science : a practical introduction

Ronald A. McQueen and Christina Knussen



Preface ix
Acknowledgements xiii

Chapter 1 Introducing research methods 1

1.1 Social science research: the backgronnd l
1.2 Social science research: aims 3
1.3 Research and scientific method 4
1.4 Beginning a research project 15
1.5 Reviewing the literature 17
1.6 Evaluating research 20
1.7 The structure of a research project 22
1.8 Review 22
1.9 Explanation of terms 22
1.10 Further reading 23

Chapter 2 Planning a study - the design 24

2.1 The purpose of a research plan 26
2.2 Rescarch plans and practicalities 27
2.3 Methods 34
2.4 The nature of research design 40
2.5 Design elements in research 53
2.6 Developments in research design 57
2.7 Review 66
2.8 Explanation of terms 66
2.9 Further reading 68

Chapter 3 Carrying out your study - the procedure 69

3.1 The role of procedure 69
3.2 The stuff of research - who will you use? 71
3.3 Secondary rescarch 83
3.4 Using questionnaires in rescarch 85
3.5 Special techniques for information gathering 90
3.6 Using standard instruments in rescarch 91
3.7 Conducting ethical research 98
3.8 Review 99
3.9 Explanation of terms 99
3.10 Further reading 101

Chapter 4 Quantitative techniques - describing the social world:
introducing SPSS 103

4.1 Using numbers to represent the social world 103
4.2 Making sense of numbers 105
4.3 Using statistics to illustrate and describe 108
4.4 The normal distribution 111
4.5 Computer analysis and SPSS 117
4.6 The basics of working with SPSS 119
4.7 Setting up data in SPSS 125
4.8 SPSS and descriptive statistics 125
4.9 Interval data and correlation 129
4.10 Review 139
4.11 Explanation of terms 139
4.12 Further reading 140

Chapter 5 Making inferences about research: statistical analysis using SPSS 141

5.1 Inferential statistics 141
5.2 Probability explained 143
5.3 Scope for errors 144
5.4 One- and two-tailed tests 144
5.5 Statistical analysis 145
5.6 Complex analyses (analysis of variance, regression and partial correlation) 173
5.7 Review 192
5.8 Explanation of terms 194
5.9 Further reading 195

Chapter 6 Qualitative research 196

6.1 What is qualitative research? 196
6.2 An overview of some approaches 198
6.3 Preparing to condact a qualitative study 204
6.4 Collecting data 205
6.5 Dealing with qualitative data 209
6.6 Points to consider when writing up 211
6.7 Other issues relating to the quality of the research 211
6.8 Review 212
6.9 References 212
6.10 Further reading 214

Chapter 7 Writing up your research 215

7.1 The purpose of a report 218
7.2 Writing guidelines 218
7.3 The structure of a research report 219
7.4 Tables and figures 228
7.5 Discussion 231
7.6 References 231
7.7 Appendices 233
7.8 Presentation and style 233
7.9 Writing up qualitative research 233
7.10 Presenting a report 236
7.11 Review 238
7.12 Further reading 239

Index 241

Designing for humans

Jan Noyes

List of tables viii
List of figures . . ix
Preface . . x
Acknowledgements . . xiii

1 Human Factors . . 1
2 Humans: capabilities and limitations . . 20
3 Human-machine interaction . . 38
4 Work environments . . 70
5 Organisational issues . . 97
6 Occupational health . . 118
7 Safety . . 137
Epilogue . . 163

References . . 166
Annex . . 199
Author index . . 202
Subject index . . 207

(Psychology at Work)

Media reform : democratizing the media, democratizing the state

ed. by Monroe E. Price, Beata Rozumilowicz, and Stefaan G. Verhulst



List of tables . . vii
List of contributors . . viii
Acknowledgements . . xi

Introduction . . 1
1 Democratic change: a theoretical perspective . . 9
2 China: media liberalization under authoritarianism . . 27
3 Uzbekistan . . 47
4 Indonesia: media and the end of authoritarian rule . . 69
5 Bosnia-Hercegovina and post-conflict media restructuring . . 89
6 Media reform in Jordan: the stop-go transition . . 107
7 The partial transition: Ukraine's post-communist media . . 133
8 The current state of media reform in Uganda . . 155
9 The disenfranchised voter: silences and exclusions in Indian media . . 180
10 Media in transition: the case of Poland . . 203
11 Media reform in Uruguay: a case study in mature transition . . 232
12 Conclusion . . 254

Index . . 269

(Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies ; 9)

The break-up of Yugoslavia and international law

Peter Radan



List of maps . . vii
Acknowledgements . . ix

Introduction . . 1
1 Nationalism and self-determination . . 8
2 The 'nation' as a 'people' . . 24
3 The principle of uti possidetis in Latin America . . 69
4 The principle of uti possidetis in Asia and Africa . . 118
5 The national question and internal administrative borders in Yugoslavia, 1918-91 . . 135
6 The international response to and course of the Yugoslavia secessions . . 160
7 The Badinter Commission: secession, self-determination and uti possidetis . . 204
8 Conclusion . . 244

Appendix: table of cases . . 254
Select bibliography . . 257
Index . . 262

(Routledge Studies in International Law ; 3)

Eastern Europe at the turn of the twenty-first century : a guide to the economies in transition

Ian Jeffries



List of tables . . xii
Acknowledgments . . xiii
Introduction and overview . . 1

Part I The coutries of Eastern Europe . . 65

1 Albania . . 67
2 Bulgaria . . 116
3 The Czech Republic . . 156
4 Hungary . . 202
5 Poland . . 240
6 Romania . . 297
7 Slovakia . . 348

Part II General issues . . 381

8 General issues in the transition from command to market economies . . 383

Postcript . . 408
Bibliography . . 416
Index . . 433

(Routledge Studies of Societies in Transition ; 19)