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ProQuest Ebook Central (ehem. EBL)

Datenbank der digitalen Bücher ProQuest Ebook Central (ehem. EBL) der Firma ProQuest beinhaltet 400 000 einzigartige Titel von E-Books, die in der traditionellen Form in der Bibliothekssammlungen nicht verfügbar sind.

Die Datenbank ist zutrittbar unter folgender Adresie https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniwroc/home.action.

Nach dem Login in die Datenbank kann jedes Buch 5 Minuten lang kostenlos geblättert werden. Die Liste der gekauften Bücher, die im Volltext zutrittbar sind, befindet sich unten. Damit man die Datenbank nutzen kann, soll ein Nutzerkonto auf der EBL-Platform eröffnet werden.

Um ein Nutzerkonto auf der EBL-Platform zu eröffnen, solle man Adresse der elektronischen Post in der Universitätsdomäne (bevorzugte Domäne ist: uwr.edu.pl) verwenden.

Möglich sind unterschiedliche Nutzungsvariante der Bücher:

  • NL – (325 Tagen) - 325 Sitzungen im Jahr (nach dem Verlauf 1 Jahres ab dem Ankauf wird der Zähler der Sitzung zurückgestellt); Dauer jeder Eintritt ist max. 24-Stundensitzung,
  • UA – begrenzter Zutritt für alle Nutzer,
  • 1U – nur 1 Nutzer kann das Buch im Realzeit lesen,
  • 3U – max. 3 Nutzer lesen ein Buch im Realzeit.

Nummer Titel Art des Zugangs
Universitätsbibliothek Wrocław
1. 21st Century Academic Library, The : Global Patterns of Organization and Discourse 1U
2. Academic Library Metamorphosis and Regeneration 1U
3. Changing Academic Library, The : Operations, Culture, Environments 1U
4. Digitizing the Modern Library and the Transition from Print to Electronic UA
5. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the 21st-Century Academic Library 1U
6. Future of Library Space, The 1U
7. Information Systems : Process and Practice 1U
8. Leading the 21 st-Century Academic Library : Succesful Strategies for Envisioning and Realizing Preffered Futures 1U
9. Library Hi Tech's Past, Present and Future 1U
10. Library Technology and Digital Resources: An Introduction for Support Staff 1U
11. Optimizing Academic Library services in the Digital Milieu: Digital Devices and their Emerging Trends 1U
12. Reimagining the Academic Library 1U
Biochemie und Molekularbiologie
13. Advances in Bioenergy 1U
14. Basic and Applied Aspects of Biotechnology 1U
15. Berne and Levy Physiology 1U
16. Biotechnological Approaches to Barley Improvement 1U
17. Candida albicans : Cellular and Molecular Biology 1U
18. Cell Culture for Biochemists 1U
19. Commercial Plant-Produced Recombinant Protein Products : Case Studies 1U
20. Convergence of Food Security, Energy Security and Sustainable Agriculture 1U
21. Cytochrome Complexes: Evolution, Structures, Energy Transduction, and Signaling 1U
22. Functional and Phylogenetic Ecology in R 1U
23. Genomics of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria 1U
24. Histology and Cell Biology : An Introduction to Pathology 1U
25. Human Genetics and Genomics 1U
26. Industrial Biotechnology : Products and Processes 1U
27. Industrial Biotechnology : Sustainable Production and Bioresource Utilization 1U
28. Intellectual Property Issues In Biotechnology 1U
29. Lewin's GENES XII 1U
30. Microbial Biotechnology : An Interdisciplinary Approach 1U
31. Models and Algorithms for Genome Evolution 1U
32. Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology 1U
33. Molecular Biology of the Cell 1U
34. Numerical Ecology with R 1U
35. Statistics 1U
36. Textbook of Modern Toxicology, A 1U
Willy Brandt Zentrum
37. Biographie, Die - Beiträge zu ihrer Geschichte 1U
38. Community of Europe, The : A History of European Integration Since 1945 1U
39. Deutsche Zeitgeschichte - transnational 1U
40. Erfahrung, Erinnerung, Geschichtsschreibung : Neue Perspektiven auf die deutschen Diktaturen 1U
41. Europa : Krise, Umbruch und neue Ordnung NL
42. Fake News machen Geschichte : Gerüchte und Falschmeldungen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert 1U
43. Gärtner der Rhizome : Geschichte digital erzählen auf Wikipedia 1U
44. Geschichte ausstellen - Geschichte verstehen : Wie Besucher im Museum Geschichte und historische Zeit deuten 1U
45. Handbuch Biographie : Methoden, Traditionen, Theorien 1U
46. Historisches Erzählen und Lernen : Historische, theoretische, empirische und pragmatische Erkundungen 1U
47. Medialisierung der Stadt, Die : Analoge und digitale Stadtführer zur Stadt Breslau nach 1945 1U
48. Musealisierung der Migration, Die : Einwanderungsmuseen und die Inszenierung der multikulturellen Nation 1U
49. Political History of European Integration, The : The Hypocrisy of Democracy-Through-Market 1U
50. State Territoriality and European Integration 1U
51. Biological Inorganic Chemistry : Introduction to Molecular Structure and Function 3U
52. Catalysis for Green Energy and Technology 3U
53. Chemical Technology : An Integral Textbook 1U
54. Chemistry, Global Edition 1U
55. Chemistry of Heterocycles, The : Structures, Reactions, Synthesis, and Applications 3rd, Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition 3U
56. Classics in Spectroscopy : Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Natural Products 3U
57. Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications UA
58. General Enzymology 1U
59. Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry 1U
60. Hybrid Retrosynthesis : Organic Synthesis using Reaxys and SciFinder UA
61. Inorganic Chemistry 1U
62. Introduction to Green Chemistry, Second Edition NL
63. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry 1U
64. Introduction to Reticular Chemistry : Metal-Organic Frameworks and Covalent Organic Frameworks 1U
65. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry : Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure 1U
66. Medical Bioinformatics and Biochemistry (Diabormatics) 1U
67. Medicinal Chemistry : An Introduction 1U
68. Modern EPR Spectroscopy 1U
69. Natural Products in Medicinal Chemistry 1U
70. Organic Synthesis UA
71. Palladium Catalyzed Synthesis of Heterocycles 1U
72. Practical Approaches to Biological Inorganic Chemistry 1U
73. Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography 3U
74. Salts of Amino Acids : Crystallization, Structure and Properties NL
75. Astronomical Photometry : Past, Present, and Future NL
76. Astrophysis Optical and Infrared : Optical and Infrared UA
77. Dimensional Analysis and Self-Similarity Methods for Engineers and Scientists NL
78. From Quarks to the Universe : A Short Physics Course NL
79. Holistic Game Development with Unity : An All-in-One Guide to Implementing Game Mechanics, Art, Design and Programming NL
80. Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability UA
81. Oxide Materials at the Two-Dimensional Limit 3U
82. Quantum Mechanical Models of Metal Surfaces and Nanoparticles NL
83. Space Groups for Solid State Scientists UA
84. Superconductivity : An Introduction NL
85. Theory of Stellar Pulsation NL
Mathematik und Informatik
86. Automating Linux and Unix System Administration NL
87. Descent in Buildings (AM-190), Volume I 1U
88. Distributed Systems NL
89. Introduction to Algorithms UA
90. Mathematical and Computational Modeling NL
91. Operating System Design NL
92. Philosophical Introduction to Set Theory NL
93. Professor Stewart's Incredible Numbers NL
94. Reversibility in Dynamics and Group Theory NL
95. Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 1U
96. Brain Computer Interfaces : Methods, Applications and Perspectives 1U
97. Chromosomes : Organization and Function 1U
98. Farming, Food and Nature : Respecting Animals, People and the Environment 1U
99. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nitrogen Losses from Grazed Dairy and Animal Housing Systems 1U
100. Handbook of Ecotoxicology 1U
101. Medical Mycology : Cellular and Molecular Techniques 1U
102. Modelling Interactions Between Vector-Borne Diseases and Environment Using GIS 3U
103. Molecular Cell Biology of the Growth and Differentiation of Plant Cells 1U
104. Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens 3U
105. Morphology and Evolution of the Insect Abdomen : With Special Reference to Developmental Patterns and Their Bearings upon Systematics 1U
106. Natural History of Flowers, The 3U
107. Plant Biochemistry 1U
108. Recent Advances in Lichenology : Modern Methods and Approaches in Biomonitoring and Bioprospection, Volume 1 1U
109. SAGE Handbook of Biogeography 1U
110. Secondary Xylem Biology : Origins, Functions, and Applications 1U
111. Soundscape Ecology : Principles, Patterns, Methods and Applications NL
112. Specialization, Speciation, and Radiation : The Evolutionary Biology of Herbivorous Insects UA
113. Creaturely Poetics : Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film NL
114. Getting the Picture : The Visual Culture of the News NL
115. Local Journalism : The Decline of Newspapers and the Rise of Digital Media NL
116. Managing Translation Services NL
117. Quality In Professional Translation : Assessment and Improvement NL
118. SMS Communication : A linguistic approach NL
Historische und Pädagogischen Wissenschaften
119. Addressing Special Educational Needs and Disability in the Curriculum: History 1U
120. American Association for State and Local History Guide to Making Public History, An 1U
121. Archaeology of Childhood, The : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on an Archaeological Enigma 1U
122. Dementia Care : An Evidence Based Textbook 3U
123. Emotions, Communities, and Difference in Medieval Europe : Essays in Honor of Barbara H. Rosenwein 1U
124. Ethics of Special Education, The 1U
125. Facing Gaia : Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime NL
126. Feeling Good by Doing Good : A Guide to Authentic Self-Esteem and Well-Being 1U
127. Intergroup Cognition and Intergroup Behavior 1U
128. Introduction to Public History : Interpreting the Past, Engaging Audiences 1U
129. Literarische Schöpfung im Mittelalter 1U
130. Sounds : The Ambient Humanities NL
131. Soundscapes of the Urban Past : Staged Sound as Mediated Cultural Heritage UA
Erdwissenschaften und Umweltmanagement
132. Environmental Geochemistry 1U
133. Geography of Tourism and Recreation, The : Environment, Place and Space 1U
134. Hydrology : Principles and Processes 1U
135. Isotope Geochemistry 1U
136. Key Concepts in Tourism Research 1U
137. Mapping the Cold War : Cartography and the Framing of America's International Power 1U
138. Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes NL
139. Policy Issues in Modern Cartography 1U
140. Processes and Ore Deposits of Ultramafic-Mafic Magmas through Space and Time 1U
141. Thematic Cartography, Cartography and the Impact of the Quantitative Revolution 1U
142. Tourism : Principles, Practices, Philosophies 1U
143. Analyzing Quantitative Data : An Introduction for Social Researchers 1U
144. Applied International Economics 1U
145. British Literary Salons of the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries 1U
146. Democracy in Poland : Representation, participation, competition and accountability since 1989 1U
147. Erbe der Piasten: Die brandenburgischen Ansprüche in Schlesien, Das 1U
148. Geschichte der Philosophie Bd. 9/2 : Die Philosophie der Neuzeit 3:Zweiter Teil: Klassische Deutsche Philosophie von Fichte bis Hegel 1U
149. Girls' Secondary Education in the Western World : From the 18th to the 20th Century 1U
150. Globalization and Democracy 1U
151. Handbook of Communication in Cross-Cultural Perspective, The 1U
152. History of European Women's Work : 1700 to the Present, A 1U
153. Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen : Zum Umgang mit Angst und Bedrohung im Mittelalter 1U
154. Literary Salons Across Britain and Ireland in the Long Eighteenth Century 1U
155. Maiestas principum : Herzogsurkunden als Medien der Herrschaftsrepräsentation in Schlesien, Pommern und Pommerellen (1200-1325) 1U
156. Maps and Travel in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period : Knowledge, Imagination, and Visual Culture 1U
157. Migration Across Boundaries : Linking Research to Practice and Experience 1U
158. Palgrave Handbook of Relational Sociology, The 1U
159. Philosophie des ausgehenden 19. und des 20. Jahrhunderts, Die. 1 : Pragmatismus und analytische Philosophie 1U
160. Recipes and Everyday Knowledge : Medicine, Science, and the Household in Early Modern England 1U
161. Residential Change and Demographic Challenge : The Inner City of East Central Europe in the 21st Century 1U
162. Routledge Handbook of Mobilities, The 1U
163. SAGE Handbook of Cultural Sociology, The 1U
164. SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis, The 1U
165. Walking Through Social Research 1U
Recht, Verwaltung und Ökonomie
166. Common Law Constitutional Rights 1U
167. Criminal Law for Criminologists : Principles and Theory in Criminal Justice 1U
168. Criminal Punishment and Human Rights: Convenient Morality 1U
169. Criminology 1U
170. Criminology : The Basics 1U
171. Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy 1U
172. EU Copyright Law : A Commentary 1U
173. Frontiers of Public Law, The 1U
174. Game-Theoretic Probability : Theory and Applications to Prediction, Science, and Finance 1U
175. Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law 1U
176. Hate Speech and Human Rights in Eastern Europe : Legislating for Divergent Values 1U
177. History of States and Economic Policies in Early Modern Europe, A 1U
178. International Commercial Tax 1U
179. International Law : Contemporary Issues and Future Developments 1U
180. International Money and Capitalist Crisis : The Anatomy of Global Disintegration 1U
181. Islamic Economics : Theory and Practice 1U
182. Liberia and the Dialectic of Law : Critical Theory, Pluralism, and the Rule of Law 1U
183. Probability, Statistics and Econometrics 1U
184. Public Administration and Public Affairs 1U
185. Public Administration Theory Primer 1U
186. SAGE Handbook of Public Administration 1U
187. Sociology of Law and Order/h 1U