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Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library

Table of content

Chapter I General rules
Chapter II Access to collections in reading rooms

  1. General rules
  2. Main Reading Room
  3. Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room
  4. Silesian Collection Reading Room
  5. Special Collections' Reading Room
  6. Informatory

Chapter III Free Access

Chapter IV Local lending

Chapter V Interlibrary loans

Chapter VI Lending collections for national and foreign exhibitions

Chapter VIII Final clauses

Appendixes to the rules
Appendix No. 1 - Additional services provided by the Wroclaw University Library
Appendix No. 2 - Declaration of Wroclaw University Library’s special collections’ user
Appendix No. 3 - List of Wroclaw's institutions of higher education participating in the agreement of Wrocław universities
Appendix No. 4 - Authorization


§ 1.1. Library collections are accessible:

1) in the reading rooms,
2) in the Free Access area,
3) in the individual work cabins and group work rooms,
4) by lending them beyond Library to the individual users and departmental libraries of the University of Wrocław,
5) by interlibrary loans,
6) by lending them to exhibitions,
7) via computer network in case of electronic collections,
8) via a digital library in the case of digitized resources

2. The following collections are not lent beyond the Library:

1) special collections,
2) books published up to 1950 inclusive,
3) publications from Silesian-Lusatian Collection,
4) encyclopedic publications, dictionaries, bibliographic publications and other information sources,
5) rare publication, items hard to acquire, books with large number of charts, maps, graphics,
6) newspapers and periodicals,
7) materials in bad condition,
8) materials from reference collections of reading rooms and departments,
9) items with stamp "udostępnia się na miejscu",
10) items with stamp "cimelium",
11) publications from Free Access area that are not intended for borrowing (marked with a red sticker).


§ 2.1. Entities entitled to use Library's services are:

1) individual users,
2) libraries of the information and library network of the University of Wrocław,
3) libraries entitled for interlibrary loans,
4) libraries and institutions that are organizing book's exhibitions.

2. Every user of the Wroclaw University Library's (hereinafter referred to as WUL) collections is obliged to have a current library card, valid in the Library.

3. User may only have 1 library card.

4. User is obliged to follow changes in the Rules of collection circulation in the Wroclaw University Library that is available on the website of the Library.

5. Libraries of the information and library network of the UoW libraries entitled for interlibrary loans, use the services of the Library on the basis of a valid library account.


§ 3.1. The following library and reading rooms cards are used in the Wroclaw University Library:

1) student's/employee's ID card with photo – entitles to lending library materials beyond the Library and to use them locally in the reading rooms, Informatory, Free Access areas and in the individual work cabins/group work rooms. The ID card is valid for 1 academic year, i.e. until 30 September. Its activation for the next academic year as a library card depends on the renewal of the validity of the card by the appropriate dean's office, and requires also the settlement of loans from the previous year. In the case of UoW's employees, continuation of employment at the University and settlement/prolongation of loans from the previous academic year are required,

2) library card without photo (paid) – entitles to lending library materials beyond the Library and to use them locally in the reading rooms, Informatory, Free Access areas and in the individual work cabins/group work rooms. The ID card is valid for 1 academic year, i.e. until 30 September. Its activation for the next academic year requires the settlement of loans from the previous academic year and the presentation of the following documents:

a) students/PhD students - without valid student's/PhD's ID card - valid identification document,

b) employees of the University of Wrocław – valid identification document,

c) for PhD students, scholarship holders and probationers of the University of Wrocław who are foreigners temporary living in Wroclaw – recommendation from manager of home institution and valid identification document,

d) employees of other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education - proof of employment and valid identification document,

3) one-year reading rooms' library card without photo (paid) – entitles to ordering library materials to use them only locally in the reading rooms. Informatory, Free Access areas and in the individual work cabins. The library card is valid for 1 year from the moment of its activation. Activation for the next year requires payment of a prolongation fee for the following year and presenting valid identification document,

4) 10-days reading rooms' library card without photo (paid) – entitles to ordering library materials to use them only locally in the reading rooms, Informatory, Free Access areas and in the individual work cabins. The library card is valid for 10 days from the moment of its activation. Renewal of these rights requires payment of a prolongation fee for the following 10 days period and presenting valid identification document,

5) 2-days reading rooms' library card without photo (paid) – entitles to ordering library materials to use them only locally in the reading rooms. Informatory, Free Access areas and in the one-day individual work cabins. The library card is valid for 48 hours from the moment of its activation. Renewal of these rights requires payment of a prolongation fee for the following 48 hours and presenting valid identification document.

2. In the case of a student's ID/library card without a photo (paid), both the account entitling to lending library materials beyond the Library and the reading room account must be activated.

3. Library/reading rooms card without owner’s photo must be presented to the librarian along with a valid identity document.

4. Losing library/reading rooms card must be reported immediately to the Local Lending Department, for blocking library account.

5. Duplicate of the library/reading rooms card can be obtained upon submission of documents specified in § 3 item 1, point 2 and paying for a new card. The student's / PhD' ID card should be reported in the appropriate dean's office and in the case of a employee's ID card - in the Department of Employees Affairs of the University of Wrocław. Damages resulting by the loss of a library/reading rooms card that has not been reported on time, charges the owner library account.

6. Fees for listed above library/reading rooms cards, their renewal and their duplicates are specified in the WUL's Price list of fees and services, available on the website.

7. Library and reading room cards cannot be made available to third parties.


§ 4. Students with proven disabilities are entitled to individual usage of Library’s collections – in accordance with the information available on the WUL's website.


§ 5.1. When using Library's services, one is obligated to take care of provided materials, informational workshop and Library’s items and is responsible for any losses and damages resulting from his or her fault.

2. To avoid liability for existing damages, user is obliged to report them to the librarian on duty.

3. Misconduct during using of the collections may result in user's deprivation of the right to use them.


§ 6. The Library's working hours are announced to the users. The users are informed about each change in the opening hours with a separate notification.


§ 7. The legal basis for the processing of users' personal data in order to provide the services of the Wroclaw University Library is Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. e) GDPR and it is specified in Art. 4 of the Libraries Act of 27 June 1997 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1479), in connection with Art. 11 sec. 1 point 9 and Art. 49 sec. 2 of the Act on Higher Education and Science of July 20, 2018 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478, as amended). Detailed information on the GDPR is available on the website of the University Library.




§ 8. 1. To the usage of the WUL's collections in reading rooms, Informatory and in the Free Access area are entitled:

1) adults,

2) minors - after the approval of Director of Wroclaw University Library and purchasing a proper library card.

2. For usage of the special collections are entitled:

1) independent scientific or didactic employees and persons with at least PhD degree,

2) students, PhD students and persons, who are performing researches on behalf of scientific, educational or cultural institutions - after presenting written certificate explaining aim and scope of conducting researches from their home university or employee,

3) other users - after giving consent by the WUL's Director or the manager of a given special collections' department.

3. All users of special collections are obliged to fill in Declaration of Wroclaw University Library’s special collections’ user (Appendix No. 2 to these Rules). Declaration and recommendation are valid for 1 calendar year starting from the date of issue.

4. The condition for ordering the collections and using them locally - for persons not related to the University of Wrocław or other Wroclaw's universities, is having a library/reading room card and show a valid identification document, subject to § 8 sec. 2.

5. Documents available as microfilm or digital copy are made available first. Original documents are made available only in justified cases (with the consent of the head of the department that stores given item).

6. The user places an order:

1) online - for library materials available in a computer catalog or in digitized catalogs,

2) on traditional order slip - for materials not accessible through electronic catalog. Traditional order slip is only for ordering materials not present in electronic catalogs. Order slip should be filled in, legibly and clearly, with a pen or pencil,

3) library materials from the Open Access areas do not require placing an order – there is free access to the collections.


§ 9. Users are obliged to:

1) having a valid library account entitling to use the services of the Library,

2) leave in the coatroom: overcoats, briefcases, bags, hand-bags, covers for laptops etc. ., except for users going to the Local Lending Department,

3) sign in the guest book in reading rooms and in the Informatory, and leave at library desk valid library/reading rooms card,

4) be quiet in quiet zones,

5) deter from bring and consume meals and drinks except for water in a small, capped bottle, on levels 1-3 of the Library building.
Note: it is strictly forbidden to bring food and drinks, including water, to the Special Collections' Reading Room,

6) deter from smoking, including electronic cigarettes, etc.,

7) obtain permission from librarian to use private electronic devices,

8) acquire permission from librarian to take pictures with one’s own equipment (camera, tablet, smartphone) without flash light and sounds.


§ 10.1. Librarian, before handling materials over to the user as well as after their return, is obligated to verify in the presence of the user the validity of his or her library/reading rooms card as well as the lack of any arrears in the WUL and status of ordered materials paying attention to the completeness of the publications.

2. In the case of overdue return of library materials registered in user's account or unpaid penalties - materials ordered to the reading rooms will not be made available to the user before the obligations to the Library are settled.


§ 11. Carrying out library's materials that are available only locally beyond the reading rooms and Informatory is prohibited, except for the collection from the Open Access areas.


§ 12.1. The user may use his own materials, i.e. private books, in the reading rooms, Informatory, Free Access areas, individual work cabins and group work rooms. Collections ordered from the WUL's storages can only be used in the departments that realize the given order.

2. Using library materials in individual work cabins and group work rooms is carried out in accordance with internal regulations available on the WUL's website.


§ 13. Upon completion of the work in the reading rooms or Informatory, before leaving, user is obliged to give to the librarian all library materials provided to him or her in the unaltered state. Once the loan has been settled, the librarian gives the user a library/reading rooms card or ID document.


§ 14. Materials sent to the reading rooms can be reserved on user's request. Materials not used during three days are sent back to the storages.


§ 15. Publications from reading rooms' reference collections, Informatory and Free Access areas can't be reserved.



§ 16. 1. In the Main Reading Room are accessible collections from:

1) main storage of the Library,

2) the A and Z divisions from the Free Access, from Free Access areas 1 and 2,

3) other libraries brought by means of interlibrary loans,

4) reference collection of other WOL's departments,

5) National Library series publications.

2. Reference collections of the reading room are available in the free access. Chapter IV. Local Lending provisions shall apply to borrowing materials from the A and Z divisions beyond Library.

3. In the area of the Main Reading Room, users have individual work cabins at their disposal, which are made available in accordance with the WUL's internal regulations in force.



§ 17.1. In the Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room are accessible:

1) current and archived issues/volumes of domestic serials,

2) current and archived issues/volumes of foreign interdisciplinary serials,

3) materials from reading room's reference collection,

4) materials from Free Access areas 1 and 2, as well as from the A and Z divisions from the Main Reading Room.

2. Selected periodicals regarding manuscript, cartography, musicology, graphic and iconography are available in the Special Collections' Reading Room.

3. Foreign specialist periodicals are available in the reading rooms of the libraries included in the UoW's information and library network.


§ 18. Current periodicals are available in free access.



§ 19.1. In the Silesian Collection Reading Room are available materials:

1) from reference collection of the reading room,

2) from Silesia-Laustiz collection, marked in the catalogs with the symbol GSL/Gabinet Śląsko-Łużycki including special collections,

3) from collection of cimelia from 19th - 20th centuries marked in the catalog with the symbol C,

4) from Free Access areas 1 and 2, as well as the A and Z divisions from the Main Reading Room.

2. Cimelia and special collections form Silesia-Laustiz collection are available only on selected workstations.

3. Library materials in the Silesian Reading Room are historic ones and should be handled with care, so that their state of preservation would not be damaged.



§ 20. In the Special Collections' Reading Room are available:

1) Special collections (originals and copies) form Manuscripts Department, Old Prints Department, Graphic Collection Department, Map Department, Music Collection Department,

2) Other collections, including:

a) reference collections from specific departments,

b) reference collection of the reading room,

c) materials from Free Access areas 1 and 2, as well as the A and Z divisions from the Main Reading Room.


§ 21.1. User receives materials based on online orders or on the basis of hand-signed order slips.

2. Upon receiving of ordered materials, user is obliged to check their compliance with the order, and immediately report any differences, deficiencies and ambiguities to the librarian.


§ 23.1. Special collections are historic ones and should be handled with care, so that their state of preservation would not be damaged

2. When using the collections, the user is fully responsible for the condition of the objects entrusted to him/her and is responsible for material losses caused by ones fault.

3. User is obliged to follow all recommendations and orders from the librarian regarding the way of using the collections and their safety. Any noticed damage should be immediately reported to the librarian.

§ 24. In the event of leaving the Reading Room, also for a short time, user is each time obliged to leave all the materials made available to him with the librarian.


§ 25. In the event of a direct threat to the collections, the librarian is obliged to notify the security staff about this fact.


§ 26. After acquire permission from the librarian user can take pictures (for personal use) with one’s own equipment without flash light and sounds of the special collections (except for incunabula and medieval manuscripts). Objects may only be photographed in the place indicated by the librarian.


§ 27. User may order paid digital reproductions of materials subject to special protection, in accordance with the WUL's Price list of fees and services, in the Reprographic and Digitization Unit (Appendix 1 to the Rules).



§ 28. In the Informatory, that serves as the Scientific Information Department's reading room, are available:

1) library's materials from Informatory's reference collection,

2) full-text and bibliographical databases,

3) Internet sources,

4) materials from Free Access areas 1 and 2, as well as the A and Z divisions from the Main Reading Room.


§ 29.1. Computer workstations in the Informatory are designed to provide users with electronic information sources.

2. For usage of the computer workstations are entitled:

1) employees and students of the UoW – after presenting valid library card, having a valid library account, without any arrears on it,

2) users from outside of the UoW – after obtaining permission from the librarian and basing on valid library card.


§ 30. Users are obliged to use computers solely for research and educational purposes. Using the computer workstations in the Informatory is tantamount to reading and accepting the Rules for the usage of computer workstations and electronic databases at WUL, available on the Library's website.


§ 31. Computer printouts are charged accordingly to the WUL's Price list of fees and services.



§ 32.1. In the Free Access areas 1 and 2, selected books, published in the last 10 years and earlier publications, constituting the canon for individual scientific disciplines, are available in the accordance to the Classification of the Library of Congress, as well as the A and Z divisions from the Main Reading Room.

2. In the Free Access areas 1 and users have at their disposal workstations, individual work cabins and group work rooms.

3. The rules of usage of the Free Access areas 1 and 2, individual work cabins and group work rooms are specified in detailed internal regulations of the BU, available on the Library's website.



§ 33.1 Lending library materials beyond WUL to individual users is carried out by the Local Lending Department or at self-service stations in the Free Access areas 1 and 2, as well as from A and Z divisions from the Main Reading Room.

2. Lending library materials beyond WUL to the libraries of theUoW's information and library network is carried out by the Local Lending Department. Libraries of the network carry out loans using their work account and have the right to borrow library materials for a period not longer than 180 days.


§ 34.1. Users are entitled to borrow books beyond Library after activating library account or receiving library card.

2. Documents needed to acquire rights to borrow materials beyond Library are:

1) for employees of University of Wrocław, including retired ones - an identification document,

2) for scientific, didactic and scientific-didactic employees of other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education as well as research and development institutions (listed in the Appendix No. 3 to this Rules) - an identification document and valid proof of employment,

3) for students and PhD students of the University of Wrocław and other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education, that participate in the Wroclaw’s high schools' agreement (listed in the Appendix No. 3 dto this Rules) - student's/ PhD student's obligation card with the stamp of the appropriate deanery, identification document or electronic student’s/PhD’s ID card,

4) for postgraduate students and participants of training courses - student's obligation card with the stamp of the appropriate deanery and identification document,

5) for students of post-secondary schools and students from institutions of higher education that are not participating in the Wroclaw’s high schools' agreement, but are entitled to borrow books from the Wroclaw University Library basing on an individual agreement between the Library and school - student's obligation card with the stamp of the appropriate deanery/school office and identification document,

6) for persons holding a scientific internship or other forms of cooperation with the University of Wrocław - recommendation from manager of home institution and identification document (passport),

7) for foreign students and PhD students - student's obligation card with the stamp of the appropriate deanery and identification document (passport).


§ 35. Rights for borrowing materials cannot be transferred to another person. Failure to comply with this provision results in the deprivation of the rights for using University Library's collections for both holder of the account and the unlawful user.


§ 36.1. Student with proven disability is entitled to appoint representative to borrow and prolonge books.

2. Representative of the student with proven disability presents in the local lending department authorization, in accordance with the model authorization presented in the Appendix No. 4 to this Rules, with a notary certified signature or signature certified by a employee of the Local Lending Department.

3. Authorization referred to the item 2 is prolonged for the next academic year with the prolongation of the library card.


§ 37. In justified random cases, the user may appoint a representative to borrow and prolonge books. Provisions of § 36 item 2 shall apply accordingly.


§ 38. User is obliged to immediately notify the local lending department of any changes of personal data or contact details.


§ 39. Losing rights for lending materials takes place:

1) after the validity of the library card/account has expired,

2) upon request of the user, after settlement of obligations with the University Library,

3) as a result of the decision of the WUL's Director, e.g. in the case of persistent violation of the Rules of collection circulation in Wroclaw University Library.


§ 40.1. Lermination of the user's account takes place after settlement of obligations with the University Library and is certified by authorized employee of Local Lending Department on:

1) circulation card issued by a proper entity or institution,

2) student’s or PhD student's obligatory card.

2. Termination of the library account is equivalent to deleting user's personal data from an electronic system.


§ 41.1. When collecting ordered materials from the Local Lending Department, user is obligated to submit a legible signature on printout of electronic order slip.

2. Order slip is returned to the user after returning borrowed library materials.


§ 42.1. User collects ordered books in the Local Lending Department after presenting valid library card.

2. Books not collected for three working days after placing order by the user will be sent back to the storage.

3. Order slips that can't be accomplished, are returned to the user with a note of the reasons for failure to complete the order.


§ 43.1. Library is lending up to:

1) 20 volumes for the period up to 180 days - for academic teachers of the University of Wrocław,

2) 20 volumes for the period up to 90 days -for students of all faculties of the University of Wrocław and other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education (listed in the Appendix No. 3 to this Rules), studying simultaneously on two faculties,

3) 20 volumes for the period up to 90 days - for PhD students, both intramural and extramural of the University of Wrocław. Participants of these studies with proven disabilities - for the period up to 180 days,

4) 15 volumes for the period up to 180 days - for students of all faculties with proven disabilities,

5) 10 volumes for the period up to 90 days for:

a) employees of the University of Wrocław that are not academic teachers,

b) retired employees of the University of Wrocław,

c) academic teachers of other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education (listed in the Appendix No. 3 to this Rules),

d) academic teachers of state's research and development institutions (listed in the Appendix No. 3 to this Rules),

e) librarians of other institutions of higher education (listed in the Appendix No. 3 to this Rules),

f) students of all faculties of the University of Wrocław and other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education (listed in the Appendix No. 3 to this Rules),

g) post-graduate students, participants of further education courses enrolled in the University of Wrocław,

h) students and PhD students of institutions of higher education in Wroclaw as well as schools of further education, who are entitled to make use of the Wroclaw University Library basing on the agreement between the Library and the schools.

2. User is obliged to settle the account from all borrowed library's materials by the end of each academic year.

3. In justified cases, the Library has the right to lend books for the shorter period of time or request them to be returned before the deadlines specified in item 1.

4. User can prolong term of returning borrowed book under condition, that it wasn’t ordered by another user. Users listed in item 1 can prolong borrowed books once for 90 days.

5. Failure to meet the deadlines for borrowed library's materials specified in § 43 item 1, results in automatic blocking of the user's library account. In the case of non-returning of borrowed library's materials despite of written reminders sent to user, the Library reserves the right to refer the matter to the collection company, after informing user of that fact by registered mail, to recover borrowed materials or obtain compensation for them.

6. For failure to meet the deadlines for returning borrowed library's materials, the Library has the right to collect penalties in accordance with the WUL's Price list of fees and services.

7. For sending to the address of user the reminder about the return of the borrowed library's materials, the Library is entitled to charge handling fees according to the WUL's Price list of fees and services.


§ 44. The borrowed library materials are entrusted to the care of the user, who should check their condition in the presence of the librarian and report any defects (underlines, annotations, mechanical damage, etc.). The user is financially responsible for any damage not disclosed at the time of collection of library materials and found upon their return.


§ 45. 1. In case of losing or damaging borrowed book, user is obligated to:

1) buy back book in the edition specified by the Library,

2) if buying back of the selected item is impossible - pay a sum of money, in accordance to the evaluation’s instruction.

2. In special cases, decision regarding redeeming of the lost item is made by the Deputy Director for General Collection.

3. In well-funded cases items listed in § 1 item 2, points 2, 4, 9, 11 can be lent with permission of Director of Wroclaw University Library or manager of Collection Circulation Department.



§ 46.1. Domestic interlibrary loans are carried out by the WUL's Circulation Department's Interlibrary Lending Department and entitled to this task libraries of theUoW's information and library network.

2. International interlibrary loans are carried out by the WUL's Circulation Department's Interlibrary Lending Department.


§ 47. Basis for order to the Interlibrary Lending Department is confirmation of lack of searched item in:

1) libraries of Wroclaw - when submitting order to domestic libraries,

2) domestic libraries - when submitting order to foreign libraries.


§ 48. The collections listed in § 1 item 2 are not subjected to interlibrary loan.


§ 49.1. If the Library has a reproduction of an ordered work, this reproduction is borrowed. The decision to borrow the original is made by the WUL's Director.

2. Special collections are borrowed only in the form of reproductions, and only to be used for research or didactical purposes and without the right to publish them.


§ 50. The library or the institution ordering the library materials is obliged to fully secure them, return them within a specified period of time and be financially responsible for their damage or loss.


§ 51. Interlibrary Lending Department orders materials from domestic and foreign libraries (from outside Wroclaw) to meet the needs of employees, postgraduate students and students of University of Wrocław. Basis for ordering materials is valid library account. Fulfilling orders from foreign libraries is payable - in accordance with the WUL's Price list of fees and services. Domestic orders are carried out free of charge.


§ 52. Library materials ordered via interlibrary lending are available in the WUL's Main Reading Room.


§ 53. In case of violation of these Rules borrowing library is suspended from rights to using collections of Wroclaw University Library for period of time appointed by the Library's Director.


§ 54.1 Collections can be lend for exhibitions to national and foreign scientific or cultural institutions.

2. In the case of lending for exhibitions, the borrow time is determined individually.


§ 55.1. Items in poor condition are not available for domestic and foreign exhibitions.

2. The library may refuse to lend particularly valuable and protected items for exhibitions.


§ 56. Order for items for exhibitions, especially foreign ones, should be effected early enough - at least 6 months before the planned date of the exhibition.


§ 57. 1. Lending for exhibition requires the consent of the Director of the University Library.

2. Terms for lending items are specified in the agreement concluded between the Director of the University Library and the Director of the lending institution.


§ 58. The prerequisite of the loan is insurance of objects according to the valuation made by the Library.


§ 59. The basis for the loan are the following documents:

1) pass-and-receive protocol signed by the representatives of the Library and the borrowing institution,

2) insurance policy,

3) authorization of the borrowing institution for the person collecting items.


§ 60. The borrowing institution is obliged to:

1) ensure safe conditions for transportation and exposition of borrowed items,

2) arranging of customs formalities related to borrowing of items,

3) incurring the costs of borrowing, customs and transport.


§ 65. Failure to comply with the Rules by the user may result in the restriction or deprivation of the right to use the University Library services.


§ 66. The Library's Director may refuse the right to stay on the premises of the Library and use the collections to persons who threaten security and public order as well as violates generally accepted standards of social coexistence.


§ 67. Comments and objections regarding the circulation of collections may be submitted to the librarian in the circulation departments, menagers of relevant departments and the WUL's Director.


§ 68. Settlement of matters not regulated by the provisions of these Rules is the responsibility of the WUL's Director. The decision of the WUL's Director may be appealed against to the Rector of the University of Wrocław.


§ 69. Amendments to individual provisions of these Rules may be introduced in accordance with the procedure applicable to its adoption.

Appendixes to the rules

Appendix No. 1 - Additional services provided by the Wroclaw University Library

Appendix No. 2 - Declaration of Wroclaw University Library’s special collections’ user

Appendix No. 3 - List of Wroclaw's institutions of higher education participating in the agreement of Wrocław universities

Appendix No. 4 - Authorization