Przejdź do treści
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

Macedonian poets and prose writers . . 9
Contemporary Macedonian Poets . . 11

Mateja Matevski . . 13
bells . . 13
rains . . 14
lake . . 16
circle . . 16
the appearance of the firefly . . 17

Mihail Rendzov . . 19
the poem and the butterfly (metamorphosis) . . 19
time . . 20
the deposition from the cross (a fresco) . . 20
untitled . . 21
psalm 100 . . 22

Radovan Pavlovski . . 23
drought . . 23
the boy waking up at noon . . 24
watchtower . . 25
ellipse x . . 26
war of mirrors . . 26

Bogomil Guzel . . 28
bolen dojcin-the sick hero . . 18
wolf at the door . . 31
heretic . . 32
breaking up the wall . . 33
the theater of life . . 34

Risto G. Jacev . . 36
a crow s grave . . 36
our house . . 36
a bornland song . . 37
light . . 38
cold darkness . . 39

Todor Calovski . . 40
the sun's ring . . 40
the empty shop . . 41
building a dream . . 42
zlatovrv - the golden peak . . 42
tune . . 43

Eftim Kletnikov . . 44
women who left a key next to the sea . . 44
turtle . . 44
don't go by the abandoned water mill . . 45
autumn in the forest . . 46
the eye of the dark one . . 47

Sande Stojcevski . . 49
jagorida . . 49
jagorida . . 50
jagorida . . 50
jagorida . . 51
jagorida . . 51

Rade Siljan . . 53
such is our fate . . 53
walling-up die shadow . . 54
dream or reality . . 54
humans / inhumans . . 55

Vele Smilevski . . 56
breathe deeply . . 56
temple . . 57
spawning ground . . 57
a simple language that everyone can understand . . 58

Katica Kulavkova . . 60
ars poetica . . 60
thyme . . 61
glossary . . 62
a lake: my son's image . . 62
fictions: according to borges . . 63

Vesna Acevska . . 65
essentia cantus . . 65
key to the word . . 66
water and shadow . . 66
sui generis . . 67

Milos Lindro . . 69
possibilities . . 69
selecting the manner . . 70
the mind, doubtftillness, the decision . . 70
the forgotten meaning . . 71

Branko Cvetkoski . . 72
herald . . 72
snow in march . . 73
earth, communion, oats . . 73
calm be die hand of the caresser . . 74
under the eaves of the winds . . 75

Vera Cejkovska . . 77
the man and the door . . 77
the box . . 78
the absence of the mild one . . 78
crystal dreams . . 79

Jordan Danilovski . . 80
midnight watch . . 80
mists/people . . 81
lynx . . 82
jordan . . 84

Slave Gorgo Dimoski . . 85
intimate bond . . 85
checking the last manuscript . . 86
a dark horse weighs over the mountains . . 86
dark place . . 87
dark is the night, liebe maria . . 88

Vladimir Ilievski . . 89
coffee beethoven . . 89
venus' shivering . . 90

Lidija Dimkovska . . 91
the fire of letters . . 91
key . . 91

Nikola Madzirov . . 93
shadows pass us by . . 93
home . . 94

Vladimir Martinovski . . 95
bird-man . . 95
step . . 96

Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan . . 97
here we are . . 97
the abyss embraces us . . 98

Contemporary Macedonian Prose writers . . 99

Vlada Urosevik . . 101
the sour cherry liqueur . . 102

Mitko Madzunkov . . 110
circus . . 111

Vase Mancev . . 119
the family lunch . . 120

Dragi Mihajlovski . . 124
the border . . 125

Aleksandar Prokopiev . . 131
tom thumb . . 132

Jagoda Georgieva-Mihajlovska . . 140
recognition . . 141

Kirn Mehmeti . . 144
the men's counsel room . . 145

Trajce Kacarov . . 155
the mask . . 156

Ermis Lafazanovski . . 159
tuya . . 160

Blaze Minevski . . 163
the season of the dandelions . . 164

Venko Andonovski . . 168
the premiere . . 169

Olivera Korvezirovska . . 178
the struga piano . . 179

Igor Isakovski . . 185
sandglass . . 186

Goce Smilevski . . 195
twin sisters . . 196

Zarko Kujundziski . . 199
a book . . 200