Przejdź do treści
Roman Laba
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

List of Illustrations . . ix
Acknowledgments . . xi
ONE Introduction . . 3

Part I. The Demystification of the Party-State
TWO Massacre and Memory: Gdansk and Gdynia . . 1970
THREE The Three-Day Worker Republic: The General Strike in Szczecin . . 7
FOUR Gierek: The Road to Confrontation . . 83

Part II. The Anatomy of a Democratic Movement
FIVE The Vanguard versus Workers' Self-Government . . 99
SIX Solidarity at the Grass Roots 115
SEVEN Sacred Politics . . 126
EIGHT The Ideological Origins of Solidarity . . 155
NINE Fashionable Myths and Proletarian Realities . . 169

Notes . . 183
Bibliography . . 223
Index . . 243