Przejdź do treści
Manlio Graziano ; [translated to English by Brian Knowlton]
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

Preface to the English Edition . . ix
Introduction to the English Edition . . xi
Introduction . . 1
Foreword: The "Original Sin" . . 13

Part I: The Original Characteristics
1 How Premature Development Became a Factor of Backwardness . . 27
2 The Phantom Nation . . 35
3 The Northern Question . . 43
4 Inventing Ancestors . . 49
5 The Unhappy Consciousness of Italian Development . . 55
6 A Culture without a Nation . . 61
7 The Difficult Italianization of the Piedmont . . 69
8 The Difficult Piedmontization of Italy . . 75
9 The Moderate Social Bloc . . 81

Part II: The Permanencies
10 Transformism . . 91
11 Internationalization Crises and Transformism . . 99
12 Emerging Sectors and Transformism . . 105
13 The Southern Question . . 111

Part III: Identity and Sovereignty
14 A Counter-Reformist Identity . . 121
15 A Civil "Guelph" Religion . . 129
16 The Quest for a Civil Italian Religion . . 137
17 A Petit-Bourgeois Fatherland . . 145
18 A Country of Limited Sovereignty . . 153
19 Identity and Development . . 161
20 The Failure of "Democratic Nationalization" . . 167
21 Italian Metamorphoses . . 177
22 Between Europe and the Mediterranean . . 183
23 The Intel-nationalization Crisis of the 1990s . . 1992

Conclusion . . 199
Biographies . . 203
Notes . . 217
References . . 249
Index . . 259

(Italian and Italian American Studies)