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R.M. Douglas
Place of publication
New Haven
Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgments . . ix
List of Abbreviations . . xi
Introduction . . 1

ONE The Planner . . 7
TWO The Volksdeutsche in Wartime . . 39
THREE The Scheme . . 65
FOUR The "Wild Expulsions" . . 93
FIVE The Camps . . 130
SIX The "Organized Expulsions" . . 158
SEVEN The Numbers Game . . 194
EIGHT The Children . . 229
NINE The Wild West . . 254
TEN The International Reaction . . 284
ELEVEN The Resettlement . . 301
TWELVE The Law . . 326
THIRTEEN Meaning and Memory . . 346

Conclusion . . 363
Notes . . 375
Bibliography . . 441
Index . . 469