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Due to safety of the collections some services are unavailable for particular types of materials. Final decisions about form of copy that could be done from particular type of materials is made by persons responsible for a collection in a specific Department.

Below are listed directions about ordering specific forms of reproductions. They should be followed during ordering, because it will allow for smooth and quick processing of orders.

Xerographic copies

When filling orders, please pay special attention for a page numeration. In many cases in one volume there are bonded several fascicles of a periodical, every one of them with its own separate pages numeration.

Scanning from microforms

When describing older microfilms (that don’t have frames numeration) it is necessary to give characteristic features of a content (pages numbers, issue of an periodical or date of a publication).

New microfilms have numeration of frames. Due to this when ordering, please, give frames numbers, from which copies should be made.

Scanning of originals

When ordering, besides information regarding what materials should be scanned (call number of an item, page numbers etc.), a resolution of ordered materials should also be indicated, e.g. 300 dpi. The resolution affects a quality and a price of a scan. If resolution will not be defined in orders, default one will be used (300 dpi). Only materials that do not exceed the A-0 format (841×1189 mm) and the width of a spine is less than 9 cm can be scanned. If the format of ordered materials exceed this size, we could make copies with our digital camera.

Digitization on demand

This service cannot be performed from single pages nor parts of an item. If ordered materials are within an introligatory block, then whole block is digitized.

Based on the placed order, the Reprographic and Digitization Unit performs digitalization. Created files remain the property of Library and will be placed in the Digital Library of Wroclaw University and user receives copy that can be only used for private, non-commercial purposes and cannot be disseminate further in any way.