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Size of collections

Collections: over 12 500 vol./items, including:

:: medieval manuscripts with fragments – circa 3000,

:: oriental manuscripts - circa 340,

:: Greek manuscripts - over 40,

:: Cyrillic manuscripts - over 10,

Collection of autographs - over 14 000.

Reference collection consists of, inter alia:

:: universal publications,

:: critical editions of source texts,

:: manuscripts catalogues from various libraries,

:: literature on manuscripts,

:: facsimile editions of manuscripts from Polish and foreign collections.


Only few percents of all manuscripts held within WUL’s collections have printed, published mainly in 19th and 20th century, catalog descriptions, often of very different value. To make access to them easier and to help with processing of collection, register of publications regarding manuscripts held in Manuscripts Department is maintained. Great help provides handwritten catalogs of manuscripts.

Electronic catalogs:

:: Online catalog of Wroclaw University Library in VIRTUA system (OPAC) [Enter] [More information]

:: Online register of the WUL's Manuscripts Department - Pinax [Enter] [More information]

:: Accession index of Manuscripts’ Department of WUL [Enter] [More information]

:: Correspondence index of Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur [Enter]

Digitized catalogs:

:: Catalog of manuscripts of former University Library, so-called Friedrich's catalog [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of manuscripts of former University Library, so-called Goeber's catalog [Enter] [More information]

:: Register of correspondence and autographs collections from former University of Wroclaw Library [Enter] [More information]

:: Thomas Rediger's catalog of manuscripts (former City Library) [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of manuscripts of former City Library [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of manuscripts from the former library at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wroclaw [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of manuscripts from the former library at St. Bernard Church in Wroclaw [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of diaries from the former City Library [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of manuscripts from the former Frankfurt (Oder) University Library [Enter] [More information]

:: Card index of Manuscripts Department's microfilms [Enter] [More information]

:: Card index of literature on manuscripts from the WUL’s collections [Enter] [More information]

Manuscripted and printed catalogs:

:: Catalog of manuscripts of former University Library, so called Friedrich's catalog

:: Catalog of manuscripts of former University Library, so called Goeber's catalog

:: Verzeichnis der Handschriften im Deutschen Reich. Teil 1: Die Handschriften der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Breslau. Band 1

:: Catalogus manu scriptorum codicum medii aevi Latinorum signa 180-260 comprehendens, Konstanty Klemens Jażdżewski

:: Inwentarz zbioru korespondencji i autografów dawnej Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu, T.1-2 (Register of correspondence and autographs collections from former University of Wroclaw Library, Vol. 1-2)

:: Thomas Rediger's catalog of manuscripts

:: Catalog of manuscripts of former City Library

:: Register of manuscripts authors from former City Library of Wroclaw

:: Inventory register of collections former City Library of Wroclaw

:: Catalog der Handschriften der Magdalenen-Kirchen-Bibliothek mit zu Grunde Legung der früheren im Jahre 1729 angefertigten gemacht und dictirt von dem zeitigen Bibliothecar Dr. Carl Schoenborn Director des Magdalenen-Gymnasiums. Breslau 1847. (call number Akc.1967/4 and Akc.1967/5)

:: Verzeichniss der in der Kirchen-Bibliothek zu St.Bernhardin in Breslau aufbewahrten Handschriften 1847 (call number Akc.1967/6)

:: Catalog of correspondence from 16th (call number Akc.1967/8, Vol.1-4 with index)

:: Catalog of correspondence from 17th century (call number Akc.1967/9, Vol. 1-2 with index)

:: Catalog of albums from No. 151 to 188 (call number Akc.1967/12)

:: Verzeichniss über die Sammlung von Stammbüchern in der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau (call number Akc.1967/14)

:: Verzeichniss der nachstehend citierten Stammbücher der Stadtbibliothek Breslau (call number Akc.1967/13, T.1-2)

:: Katalog der Stammbücher der Stadtbibliothek Breslau. Band 1: Nummer 1-230 (call number Akc.1967/11)

:: Register zu der Autographen-Sammlung der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau. (call number Akc.1967/15)

:: Katalog zu den Handschriften Klose. Klosesche Handschriftensammlung Hs. Kl.1-248. (call number Akc.1967/17)

:: Katalog der S.B.Kloseschen Handschriften-Sammlung, umfassend Hs. Kl.1 bis 248. (call number Akc.1967/16)

Outside databases