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by Mia Korpiola
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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . xiii
List of Illustrations . . xv

Introduction . . 1
Medieval and Early Modern Swedish Society . . 9

Chapter One - The Process: Traditional Marriage Formation in Medieval Sweden . . 19
1.1 The Swedish Process of Marriage Formation in Secular Custom and Law . . 19
1.2 Betrothal and the Consent of the Marriage Guardian . . 23
1.3 The Wedding and the Bedding: Enforcing the Contract . . 48
1.4 The Marriage Process and Property Consequences . . 66
1.5 Summary . . 86

Chapter Two - The Act: The Making of Marriage in Medieval Canon Law . . 89
2.1 Matrimony, Sacramentality and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction: Defining and Supervising Marriage . . 89
2.2 The Church's Policy of Consent: Guaranteeing Individual Choice . . 101
2.3 The Church's Policy of Ecclesiastical Solemnization of Marriage . . 122
2.4 The Paradoxical Status of Consummation in Canon Law . . 135
2.5 Summary . . 145

Chapter Three - The Challenge: Controlling Marriage Formation in Medieval Sweden . . 149
3.1 Marriage and the Church in Medieval Sweden: Imposing Indissolubility and Combating Incest . . 149
3.2 The Secular Reaction to Free Consent: Securing the Guardian's Rights . . 154
3.3 Increasing Ecclesiastical Control of the Betrothal . . 183
3.4 The Growing Importance of Solemnization . . 204
3.5 Legitimacy of Children and The Marriage Process . . 229
3.6 Summary . . 256

Chapter Four - Ecclesiastical Control vs. Traditional Marriage Formation in Reformation Sweden . . 263
4.1 The Reformation and Matrimonial Law . . 263
4.2 The Lutheran Church and the Control of Marriage: The Net Tightens . . 272
4.3 Love or Duty: Free Choice and Parental Consent in Reformation Sweden . . 283
4.4 Trothplight, Betrothal and Consummation: Return to Formality . . 297
4.5 Increasing Insistence on Ecclesiastical Solemnization . . 323
4.6 The Marriage Process and Sexual Crime: Policing Illicit Intercourse . . 347
4.7 'Preserving the Difference': The Church, Children and their Parents . . 370
4.8 Summary . . 383

Chapter Five - Conclusion . . 389
5.1 Marriage Formation in Sweden, 1200—1600 . . 389
5.2 Why did the Traditional Swedish Marriage Process Persist for So Long? . . 397

Abbreviations . . 403
Sources and Bibliography . . 407
Index . . 429

(Northern World ; Vol. 43)