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Size of collections

:: Together circa 230 thousand vol. – circa 317 thousand items.

:: Incunabula - more than 3250 items.

:: 16th century prints - circa 40 thousand items.

:: Polonica from16th to 18th century - circa 10 thousand items.


Information regarding old prints’ collection is provided by electronic catalog (OPAC), digitized catalog and photographic one (available locally in the Special Collections Reading Room as well as in the digitized version via WUL’s Website), printed catalogs and various supporting catalogs.
For complete information regarding old prints' collection it is recommended to combine searching in WUL's Online Catalog (OPAC) with searching in four digitized catalogs. Search for and ordering of old prints should always start from the online catalog (OPAC).

Electronic catalogs:

:: Online catalog (OPAC) [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of microfilmed prints from 15th to 18th century [Enter] [More information]

:: "Common European heritage" (16th to 18th century). Microfilm catalog [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog and database of prints from Olesnica 1593-1730 [Enter] [More information]

Digitized catalogs:

:: Photographic catalog of old prints 16th - 18th (fully subjected) [Enter] [More information]

:: Temporary photographic catalog of old prints 16th - 18th cent. (partially subjected) [Enter] [More information]

:: Photographic catalog of the Old Prints Department – so called zero's collection [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of former Library of Grammar School in Brzeg [Enter] [More information]

:: Catalog of reference collection of Old Prints Department (16th - 18th cent.) [Enter] [More information]

Traditional and microfiche catalogs:

:: Photographic catalog of old prints 16th - 18th (fully subjected) [Enter] [Digitized version - more information]

:: Temporary photographic catalog of old prints 16th - 18th cent. (partially subjected) [Enter] [Digitized version - more information]

:: Photographic catalog of the Old Prints Department – so called zero's collection [Enter] [Digitized version - more information]

:: Catalog of former Library of Grammar School in Brzeg [Enter] [Digitized version - more information]

:: Book catalog of former City Library in Wroclaw (microfiches) [Digitized version]

:: Polonica register 16th – 18th century

Printed catalogs:

:: B. Kocowski, Katalog inkunabułów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu, Cz. I – III. Wrocław 1959-1977.

:: J. Ożóg, Katalog poloników XVI w. Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu, T. 1 - 2. Wrocław 1988-1991.

:: A. Skura, Catalogus van Nederland gedrukte boeken in de Univeriteitsbiblioteek van Wrocław, Leiden, Den Haag 1996.

:: A. Skura, Katalog druków XV – XVIII w. z zakresu poetyki i retoryki, Wrocław 1987.


:: Heritage of the Printed Book Database - databases of old prints published in Europe to 1830. It is maintained by Consortium of European Research Libraries – CERL) and holds circa 3 million records of old prints, music scores, maps, atlases, documents of social life, iconography and their copies (microfilms and reprints). HPB holds information about writings published in Europe in one, electronic catalog.
Readers of Wroclaw University Library could search HPB in Special Collection’s Reading Room (Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.) during its opening hours.
[More information]

On 9.06.2007 Wroclaw University Library, along with six other scientific libraries, became member of “Group of Polish Scientific Libraries Gathering Old Prints” Consortium to join CERL (Consortium of European Research Libraries). As a member of consortium WUL participates in creating electronic catalog with descriptions of books published in Europe to 1830 by sending catalog descriptions (own records) to Heritage of the Printed Book database.

As part of Polish CERL membership group, Wroclaw University Library gained access to HPB databases for cataloging purposes as well as for its readers.