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par Weber Romana
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Table of Contents

Preface . . VII
Overview . . IX
Table of Contents . . XI
Abbreviations . . XVII
Bibliography . . XXIII

I. Introduction . . 1
A. Framework of this Study . . 1
B. Topical Delimitations . . 2
C. Historical Background . . 3

II. Transnational Corporations . . 5
A. Definition . . 5
B. Status of Transnational Corporations . . 11

III. Child Labor . . 20
A. Child Labor vs. Exploitative Child Labor . . 20
B. Focus on Illegal Forms . . 21
C. Prohibition of Child Labor under ins cogens? . . 24
D. Causes of Child Labor . . 28
E. Reasons for the Employment of Children . . 34

IV. Regulations  . 37
A. Different Forms of External Regulation . . 37
B. National Regulations . . 40
C. Bilateral Agreements . . 55
D. Regulations by International Organizations . . 57
E. Private-Sector Guidelines . . 126
F. Corporate Codes of Conduct . . 133
G. Rules of Trade Unions . . 147

V. State Obligations under International Law Contributing to the Elimination of Child Labor . . 150
A. Compulsory Education . . 150
B. Birth Registration . . 156
C. Medical Certificates . . 157

VI. Trade-related Measures . . 159
A. Legal Framework (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) . . 160
B. Trade Sanctions . . 185
C. Economic Incentives . . 187
D. Labeling . . 188
E. ILO - WTO Joint Venture . . 195

VII. Soft Measures . . 198
A. Knowledge Improvement and Advocacy . . 199
B. Consumer Boycotts . . 201
C. Development Projects . . 202
D. Family Protection . . 211

VIII. Measures within the Corporation (Internal Regulation) . . 219
A. Determination of Persons responsible for Compliance . . 219
B. Implementation of Labor Standards by Business Partners . . 220
C. Consolidating Production Centers . . 221
D. Labor Inspections . . 222
E. Unfair Competition Law . . 232

IX. Rehabilitation . . 234
A. Remedies . . 234
B. Preventing Drift off to illicit Activities . . 239

X. Considerations . . 243
A. Conclusions . . 243
B. Outlook . . 246