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ed. by Hans Henrik Lidgard, Jeffrey Atik, Tu Thanh Nguyen
Place of publication
Alphen aan den Rijn


Publication date
Table of Contents

The Editors . . vii
List of Contributors . . ix
List of Abbreviations . . xxiii
Institutional Definitions and Abbreviations . . xxvii
Preface . . xxix

Chapter 1 - Framing the Issues . . 1
1 Defining Sustainable Technology Transfer . . 1
2 Balancing Fundamental Interests . . 5
3 Treaty Obligations Giving Effect To Fundamental Concepts . . 10
4 Fragmentation . . 11

Chapter 2 - TRIPS Article 66.2: Between Hard Law and Soft Law? . . 13
1 The WTO's 'Legislative' and 'Judicial' Roles . . 16
2 TRIPS Provisions and TRIPS Flexibilities . . 19
3 Overview of Provisions Related to Patents and DSU . . 23
4 'Soft Law' and Trade Law . . 26
5 Technology Transfer and Article 66.2 . . 36
6 Conclusions . . 42

Chapter 3 - Assessing Reporting Obligations under TRIPS Article 66.2 . . 43
1 The UNCTAD Discussion . . 44
2 The TRIPS Development . . 46
3 Recent Article 66.2 Reporting . . 51
4 Developing Countries Require Adherence to the Obligations Established in the Conventions . . 61
5 Conclusion: Enigmatic Provisions and Uncreative Reporting . . 62

Chapter 4 - Technology Transfer and Competition Law: Options for Developing Countries . . 65
1 Interface between IPRs and Competition Law . . 67
2 International Reactions . . 70
3 Technology Transfer-Related Competition Law Enforcement in Developing Countries . . 73
4 Options for Developing Countries . . 88

Chapter 5 - Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Development: The Case of Compulsory Licensing . . 89
1 IPR and Technology Transfer . . 92
2 History of Global Regulation and TRIPS . . 95
3 Historical Use of Compulsory Licensing . . 104
4 Statistical Evidence . . 113
5 Economic Tradeoffs . . 115
6 Policy Lessons . . 118

Chapter 6 - ACTA and the Destabilization of TRIPS . . 121
1 From TRIPS to TRIPS Plus . . 121
2 ACTA and Health Anxieties . . 129
3 The Uneasy Coexistence of ACTA and TRIPS . . 133
4 The Extension of TRIPS Plus Norms to Developing Countries: The Case of Vietnam . . 140
5 Destabilizing TRIPS . . 144

Chapter 7 - Breaking Down Barriers to Technology Transfer: Reforming WTO Standard-Setting Rules and Establishing an Advisory Facility in Standard-Setting for Developing and Least Developed Countries . . 149
1 Technology Standard-Setting, Intellectual Property and Issues for Developing Countries . . 150
2 TBT Agreement and Proposal for Reform . . 160
3 Advisory Facility on Standard-Setting for Developing and Least Developed Countries . . 172
4 Conclusion . . 174

Chapter 8 - Technology Transfer and Climate Change . . 177
1 All Climate Change Technology Was Not Created Equal . . 180
2 Dilemmas of Scale in Climate Change Technology Transfer . . 188
3 Towards a Multidimensional Approach to Climate Change Technology Transfer . . 189
4 Conclusion . . 193

Chapter 9 - Technology Transfer and Benefit Sharing under the Biodiversity Convention . . 195
1 What Is Technology Transfer? . . 198
2 Technology Transfer in the Context of the Convention . . 201
3 Assessing Article 23 . . 212
4 Conclusions: Towards Technology Governance? . . 218

Chapter 10 - Sustainable Technology Transfer, Climate Control, and Renewable Power in Vietnam . . 221
1 The Global Climate Challenge and Energy Technology . . 223
2 What Works in Developing Nations? . . 227
3 Vietnam Initiatives on Carbon and Renewables . . 234
4 Embellishing the Sustainable Energy Opportunities in Vietnam through International Climate Change Programs . . 242
5 Conclusion: Solving the International Climate Change Equation . . 249

Chapter 11 - Vietnam: A Case Study for Sustainable Technology Transfer . . 251
1 Law and Practice on Compulsory Licensing . . 255
2 Law and Practice on Parallel Imports . . 263
3 Competition Law and Policy on Technology Transfer . . 278
4 Zuellig Pharma Vietnam Case . . 280
5 Conclusion . . 283

Chapter 12 - From Reality to Law: Sustainable Technology Transfer - An Outlook . . 287
1 Trends . . 287
2 Law of Technology Transfer . . 289
3 A Way Forward . . 295

Bibliography . . 301
Index . . 323