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General information

Wroclaw University Library
Autonomous Section for the Collection Condition Inspection
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wrocław
phone: +48 71 34 63 167

Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Section duties

Main duties of the Autonomous Section for the Collection Condition Inspection are:

  • organization of scontrum,

  • participation in scontrum,

  • preparation of post-scontrum protocols,

  • cooperation in assessing the preservation status of collections,

  • control on circulation of register documents and library materials,

  • preparation of post-scontrum recommendations and control on implementation of post-scontrum recommendations,

  • guidance for departmental libraries in the field of scontrum organization.


First and Last Name tel. number / email
Dep. manager mgr Elżbieta Majcher +48 71 3463 167
Piotr Borowski +48 71 3463 168
mgr Artur Kulikowski de Nałęcz +48 71 3463 168
mgr Teresa Niemiec +48 71 3463 149
mgr Anita Polakowska +48 71 3463 168
mgr Paweł Węgrzynowski +48 71 3463 149