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Colleagues and friends from Manuscripts Department say farewell to Stanisław Kądzielski

For ones He was Staszek, for others Mr. Staszek. All of them very highly valued possibility to work with such professional, with such helpful colleague, with such good men. He was always willing to serve with help, advice, comfort and good word. He always has for us, and especially younger co-workers, much patience

For almost twenty years of employment in Department, He gained great experience, which He share with everyone willing to listen. Conversation with Him were always refreshing, humorous, wise and strengthening.

He has unique practical wisdom, balanced dignity, temperate judgment, was full of optimism and hopefulness. He always will by for us an matchless example. He was a good man.

Non omnis moriar multaque pars mei... Not everything dies, large part of Him eluded death and remained in us – His colleagues and friends.

Staszku, we will miss You!

Colleagues and friends
working in Manuscripts Department
today and in the future