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Interlibrary Lending Department

General information

Local Lending Department is situated on level 1 in the Library building Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.

Address for correspondence:
Wroclaw University Library
Circulation Department
Interlibrary Lending Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 375 76 00, +48 71 375 76 02

Opening hours:

Oktober - Juni
Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Juli, September
Monday: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Thursday: 12:00 p.m. - 14:00 p.m.
Interlibrary Lending Department
is closed

Rules and conditions of interlibrary loans are determined in Rules of collection circulation in the Wroclaw University Library, in chapter – interlibrary loans.

Lending of WUL’s collections to domestic and foreign libraries

  1. Interlibrary Lending Department is lending materials from Wroclaw University Library and departmental libraries of UoW via following libraries:

    • scientific: domestic and foreign,

    • central government bodies and public administration,

    • provincial and city public libraries,

    • pedagogical provincial and city libraries,

    • district and communal public and pedagogical libraries.

  2. Following materials are excluded from interlibrary lendings:

    • special collections,

    • encyclopedic publications, dictionaries, bibliographic publications and other information sources,

    • rare items, items hard to obtain,

    • items in bad physical condition,

    • items from reference collections of reading room and other departments,

    • journals and newspapers,

    • electronic documents,

    • library’s materials published in large formats.

  3. Basic rules regarding interlibrary loans:

    • ordering materials from WUL can be done via electronic forms, order slips, e-mails as well as on traditional order slips with stamp of ordering library and signature of person authorized to interlibrary loans,

    • unrealized one-time order slips are send back to ordering library with annotation about cause of failure in realization,

    • unrealized circular order slips are sent to other libraries.

  4. Interlibrary Lending Department is lending Main Library materials to domestic and foreign libraries for a period of one month (excluding time required for delivery).

  5. In well founded cases Interlibrary Lending Department can determine other period of lending.

  6. Materials lend from WUL’s collections can only be access locally in reading rooms of ordering libraries. Libraries are obliged to provide full protection of borrowed materials, return them on given date and are materially responsible for their loss or damage. The lending account of library that hasn’t return materials on given date is blocked and remainder is sent to it. If the library still doesn’t return books, sanctions that are determined in Rules of collection circulation in Wroclaw University Library in chapter - interlibrary loans, are being applied.

  7. Interlibrary Lending Department is not fulfilling orders for paid copies from libraries for which the invoice is issued. Orders of that kind shall be sent to:

    Wroclaw University Library
    Scientific Information Department
    Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
    50-383 Wroclaw
    phone: +48 71 375 75 98

Bringing and circulating of collections from domestic and foreign libraries

  1. Who can use WUL’s Interlibrary Lending Department.

    Wroclaw University Library offers possibility to use the collections of domestic and foreign libraries for research purposes via interlibrary loans for:

    • academic teachers and other employees of University of Wrocław,
    • postgraduates of University of Wrocław,
    • students of University of Wrocław.
  2. Wroclaw University Library is bringing library’s materials, mainly corresponding to the range of disciplines represented at the University of Wrocław that are lacking in other Wroclaw’s libraries. Materials acquired in this way are available only locally in the Main Reading Room of WUL.

  3. 3. Interlibrary loans from domestic libraries are free of charge. Fee for bringing materials from foreign libraries is charged accordingly to the Pricelist of Interlibrary Lending Department or accordingly to invoice presented by the lending library.

  4. 4. Basis for ordering materials via the Interlibrary Lending Department is valid library account and confirmation that there is a lack of searched item in libraries of Wrocław - while sending order to domestic libraries and in all scientific domestic libraries - while sending order to foreign libraries. User can localize searched materials in Scientific Information Department of Wroclaw University Library.

  5. Bringing paid reproductions of materials (photocopies, microfilm, microfiche, etc.) from domestic libraries charge users. Costs of copies made by domestic libraries instead of sending originals also charge users, even if they weren’t ordered.

  6. Users, when submitting orders to Interlibrary Lending Department, are filling and signing proper statement in which they oblige themselves to cover the costs associated with the realization of their orders.