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Price list

data for invoices bank account
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka
pl. Uniwersytecki 1
50-137 Wrocław
NIP: PL8960005408
Santander Bank Polska
14 1090 2503 0000 0001 1382 9110
49 1090 2398 0000 006 0800 5079
60 1090 2398 0000 0006 0800 5075

Price list of fees and services of the Wroclaw University Library

I. Library fees and library and information services

Ordinal number Type of service Net price (PLN) Vat (%) Gross price (PLN)
1. Issuing/activating of a library card without photo 20,00 tax-exempt 20,00
2. Issuing/activating of a one-year library card without photo 20,00 tax-exempt 20,00
3. Prolongation of a one-year library card for the next calendar year 10,00 tax-exempt 10,00
4. Issuing/activating of a 10-days library card without photo 10,00 tax-exempt 10,00
5. Prolongation of a 10-days library card for the next 10 days 10,00 tax-exempt 10,00
6. Issuing/activating of a 2-days library card without photo 5,00 tax-exempt 5,00
7. Prolongation of a 2-days library card for the next 2 days 5,00 tax-exempt 5,00
Note: the fee for duplicate of a library card is equal to the purchase price.
8. Fee for bringing 1 book from European countries 64,81 8 70,00
9. Fee for bringing 1 book from countries outside Europe - - According to the costs specified by the lending library (settlement with a IFLA voucher, 1 voucher = 8 euro, conversion rate according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland) + shipping costs according to the Polish Post’s price list
10. Fee for borrowing 1 book abroad to European countries and to countries outside of Europe - - 1 - 5 IFLA voucher
Note: The amount of collected vouchers is determined depending on the weight of the parcel and the country from which the order comes.
11. Fee for bringing a photocopy from the foreign libraries’ collections 32,41 8 35,00
12. Self-service photocopying - black and white copies, format A-4 0,40/1 copy tax-exempt 0,40/1 copy
13. Self-service photocopying - black and white copies, format A-3 0,80/1 copy tax-exempt 0,80/1 copy
Note: photocopies of the originals published before and including 1950 and from bound newspapers over A-3 format are not made at all.
14. Specialized library training for organized groups (up to 20 people, also for foreign groups) 56,91 23 70,00/1 h
15. Specialized courses and lectures on special collections (on request):
- 1 lecture for 1 person (1.5 h)
- 1 lecture for a group of up to 10 people (1.5 h)



40,00 per participant
16. Searching for information in open access electronic services (for people and units from outside of the University of Wrocław, for each started half hour of work):
- search in the database by the librarian
- independent search in the database



17. Fees for printing the content at the librarian desk 0,20/1 page tax-exempt 0,20/1 page

II. Copying of library materials/computer printouts services at self-service stations

Ordinal number Type of service Net price (PLN) Vat (%) Gross price (PLN)
1. Black and white photocopies, format A-4 0,40/1 one-sided
tax-exempt 0,40/1 one-sided
2. Black and white photocopies, format A-3 0,80/1 one-sided
tax-exempt 0,80/1 one-sided
3. Scans free free
Note 1: copies of the originals published before and including 1950 are not made at all. When making copies from the WUL’s library resources, please follow the principle of compliance with copyright law. WUL is not responsible for the unlawful use of copied materials. Copies from materials published up to 1950 are ordered by the WUL’s Reprographic and Digitization Unit (see: Reprographic services in the Reprographic and Digitization Unit). If you wish to publish WUL’s materials, you must obtain the consent of the WUL’s Director.
Note 2: the service of scanning library materials at self-service stations is free.

Location of copying devices in the WUL’s building:

Level 2: Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room
Level 3: Main Reading Room

Location of scanning devices in the WUL’s building:

Level 2: Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room
Level 3: Main Reading Room, Silesian Collection Reading Room

III. Reprographic services in the Reprographic and Digitization Unit

  1. Reproduction of library materials is carried out in accordance with the Act on Copyright and Related Rights.

  2. In the WUL reproduction of library materials can be ordered from the Reprographic and Digitization Unit.

  3. The Reprographic and Digitization Unit makes photocopies, digital photos, scans, digitization on demand and archives the performed work and makes it available to the ordering party via FTP server or on CD/DVD.

  4. It is allowed to independently photograph some library materials with your own device (without using a flashlight) as well as photocopying and scanning on self-service devices in reading rooms.

  5. Orders for reprographic services can be submitted electronically via the form on the WUL's website, as well as on order forms available in all WUL's reading rooms. It is also possible to send the order by e-mail ( or ), as well as by traditional mail to the WUL's address: Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St., 50-383 Wroclaw.

  6. Completed orders are available for download from the FTP server or can be collected at the WUL’s Information Point.

  7. The library may refuse to perform a reprographic service if the condition of the material does not allow it or if it is not technically possible to perform the service.

  8. Reprographic services are exempt from VAT (pursuant to art. 43 section 1 item 33 of the VAT Act) if the order is downloaded independently from the FTP server or collected via e-mail (it will not be recorded on any medium).

  9. Invoices in PLN or EUR are issued for the services provided (converted into PLN according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland). A fiscal receipt for the performed work (payment in cash) is collected at the WUL’s Information Point, invoices are sent electronically.

  10. For services not listed in the price list, the price for their performance is each time agreed with the Reprographic and Digitization Unit.

Ordinal number Type of service Net price (PLN) Vat (%) Gross price (PLN)
1. Black and white photocopies
(up to 22 pages at a time - publishing sheet)
format A-4
Materials published after 1950
0,50/page tax-exempt 0,50/page
2. Black and white photocopies
(up to 22 pages at a time - publishing sheet)
format A-3
Materials published after 1950
1,00/page tax-exempt 1,00/page
3. Scanning of the originals in 150 DPI definition up to A-0 format 4,00/file tax-exempt 4,00/file
4. Scanning of the originals in 300 DPI definition up to A-0 format 9,00/file tax-exempt 9,00/file
5. Scanning of the originals in 600 DPI definition up to A-1 format 22,00/file tax-exempt 22,00/file
6. Scanning of black and white microforms
(single frames, package up to 10 frames)
12,00/package tax-exempt 12,00/package
7. Scanning of black and white microforms
(single frames, over 10 frames)
1,00/file tax-exempt 1,00/file
8. Scanning of black and white microforms
only whole roll of film (minim. 50 frames)
0,40/file tax-exempt 0,40/file
9. Digitization on demand - individual agreements with the Reprographic and Digitization Unit 2,00/file tax-exempt 2,00/file
10. Digital file (pdf or jpg) up to A-3 format 2,00/piece tax-exempt 2,00/piece
11. Digital file made with a camera (special photos) 15,00/piece tax-exempt 15,00/piece
12. Copying of the files gathered in the WUL; package (up to 20 files from one call number) 15,00/package tax-exempt 15,00/package
13. Archiving on CD or DVD 5,00/piece 23 6,15/piece
14. Computer work on files involving additional processing - individual agreements with the Reprographic and Digitization Unit 50,00
for each started 1h
of work
tax-exempt 50,00
for each started 1h
of work

IV. Bookbinding/conservation services, fumigation chamber

Ordinal number Type of service Net price (PLN) Vat (%) Gross price (PLN)
1. Binding/repairing of library materials and others - 23 (priced individually, depending on the amount and type of materials intended for binding/repair and depending on the type of binding material used (cardboard, canvas, leather, gilded inscription, etc.),
2. Disinfection in a fumigation chamber (vacuum-gas) with a capacity of approx. 5 m3, i.e. with approx. 20 linear meters of books up to A-4 format 2439,02/1 batch,
162,60/1 linear meters of materials,
24,39/1 book up to A-4 format
3000,00/1 batch,
200,00/1 linear meters of materials
30,00/1 book up to A-4 format
Note 1: the service of conservation/repair of external materials is carried out after mandatory disinfection in the fumigation chamber. The cost of disinfection in the chamber is added to the valuation of the conservation/repair service, in accordance with the price list.
Note 2: the ordering party is responsible for delivering and collecting the material for disinfection.

V. Sanction fees

Ordinal number Description Net price (PLN) Vat (%) Gross price (PLN)
1. Penalty for not returning books on given term:
- to 31.07.2004 for 1 volume per month
- from 01.08.2004 for 1 volume per day
- from 01.06.2010 after every 5 days of delay
not subject
not subject
not subject
2. Handling fee for every sent reminder to return overdue library materials 5,00 not subject 5,00
3. Fee for losing/damaging of a copy of a monograph min. 50,00 not subject min. 50,00
Note: Depending on the year of publication of the lost/damaged book, an appropriate conversion factor for its value is applied - in accordance with the Instruction regarding evaluation of lost or destroyed books:
4. Fee for losing coatroom's ticket 20,00 not subject 20,00
5. Fee for losing reading rooms' ticket 30,00 not subject 30,00
6. Fee for not returing on time/losing key for the self-lock locker or damaging lock in self-lock locker 70,00 not subject 70,00
7. Fee for losing key for individual work cabin/group work room 70,00 not subject 70,00
8. Fee for damaging lock for the individual work cabin, e.g. by breaking the key in the lock, which requires replacement of the entire lock system 500,00 not subject 500,00

VI. Additional services: queries, didactic classes, publications from the WUL's collections, providing collections and rooms for TV/radio programs/press publications, films

(including 8% or 23% VAT depending on the specific service)
Cost calculation is done in cooperation with customer every time before undertaking order. The service is performed after the contract is drawn up and after the customer pays the invoice by bank transfer to the account:

Santander Bank Polska Nr: 14 1090 2503 0000 0001 1382 9110

necessarily with the note:

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu - opłata za prawo do jednorazowej publikacji.
(Wroclaw University Library - fee for the right to a one-time publication)

For foreign customers, a conversion rate is applied that is consistent with the average NBP exchange rate for the day. In the case of express execution of orders, the rate is increased by 30%. Discounts are possible for researchers and students of the University of Wrocław.
Ordinal number Type of service Net price (PLN) Vat (%) Gross price (PLN)
1. Preparation of bibliographic and factual queries, particularly time-consuming and labor-intensive (for each started 1h of librarian work) 23 50,00
Note: Library does not prepare bibliographies for diploma, bachelor, master and doctoral dissertations, etc.
2. Preparing script for television programs (for each started 1h of work) 23 60,00
3. Preparing script for exhibition (for each started 1h of work) 23 60,00
4. Fee for the right to use a reproduction from WUL's library materials in publications issued by third parties (fee for the one-time permission for publication within one edition) 1. charge depends on the historical value of the library materials, the state of preservation and the technique of reproduction. Over 10 shots - possible 15% discount. tax-exempt 60,00 – 200,00
(1 shot)
2. charge depends on planned size of edition:
- by the rate of edition up to 500 copies
- by the rate of edition from 500 to 1500 copies
- by the rate of edition over 1500 copies
Note: if next edition is planned to be released, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the WUL's Director and proper charges should be paid again i.e. charge for one-time permission for publication and charge for size of edition.
5. Providing collections for television, radio and press publications Presentation of 1 object (surcharge for the number of presented objects, depending on their historical and artistic value and condition - in accordance with items 4 and 6). In the absence of a scenario - the preparation of materials by the librarian is additionally paid according to item 2.
6. Photographing rooms and interiors for scientific publications (1 shot) tax-exempt 200,00
(1 shot)
7. Rental of rooms and interiors for the organization of: exhibitions, conferences, celebrations, filming of TV programs, films, etc.
- for each day of the show/exhibition
from 650,41 23 from 800,00 per day⁎
- for an hour of shooting a program/film 365,85 450,00 for 1 h
8. - for a package of 15 shots or per hour of filming for commercial purposes 284,55 23 350,00
- for 1 shot 32,52 40,00

Note 1: in the case of cyclical programs or the organization of long-term exhibitions, it is possible to negotiate the financial conditions for rental of the rooms.
Note 2: the WUL's Director decides to make the rooms available after getting acquainted with the subject of the project being implemented.
Note 3: The WUL's Director decides to approve the usage of the image of the Library building and its surroundings for commercial purposes, after getting acquainted with the subject of the project being realized. The organizer of the project realized in the vicinity of the Library building is responsible for the safety, health and life of all people involved in the realization of a given project and financial responsibility for any damage to the property of the Library/UoW on the premises of the University of Wrocław's Campus and is obliged, after the end of the project, to leave the project site, in a condition not worse than the one found. The approval of the project requires the Organizer to accept the above conditions.
Note 4: the final price of renting rooms and halls space in the WUL building for external entities is determined individually and depends on the size of the rented room, the nature of the organized event, the lessor's expectations, the number of participants, etc.

Note 5: utility costs are always added to the rental price.

There are no fees for providing rooms for information and promotion purposes of the University of Wrocław.

For services not listed in the price list, the price for their performance is each time agreed with the WUL’s Director.

Director of WUL reserves herself the right to change the above price list of fees and services.

The price list is valid from February 6th, 2023