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Library of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection Department
A. Kosiby 8 St.
51-621 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 372 94 97 (internal) 101
e-mail: piotr.ropuszynski[w]


From 1.07.2023 the Library of the Department of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection was closed under Directive No. 152/2023 of the Rector of the University of Wrocław from 20.06.2023

The collection of the Library of the Department of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection was merged with the collections of the Library of the Institute of Geography and Regional Development - it is still located and available in the Department of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection of the Institute of Geography and Regional Development at Kosiby 8 St.
Circulation of collection place after prior arrangement by e-mail: piotr.ropuszynski[w] or by phone: +48 71 372 94 97 i. 101.


Name and first name phone +48 71 e-mail address
mgr Piotr Ropuszyński (manager) 372 94 97 (inter.101) piotr.ropuszynski[w]

List of periodicals available in Library

MS Word file