Rules for usage of the WUL's book pick-up machine

Program jest realizowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków EFS w ramach Programu Operacyjnego „Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój”, Oś Priorytetowa nr 3 „Szkolnictwo Wyższe dla Gospodarki i Rozwoju”, Działanie 3.1 „Kompetencje w Szkolnictwie Wyższym”.
WUL's book pick-up machine is used for convenient collection of books ordered for borrowing, especially on days and hours when the Library is closed. The device works works 24/7, i.e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is to facilitate the collection of books ordered from the WUL's general storage. A short video tutorial on how to use the device
Attention:book pick-up machine allows to collect only books from the WUL's collection, it does not support orders departmental libraries of the University of Wrocław and other libraries in Wroclaw. Book pick-up machine does not handle returning of borrowed materials, reservations for borrowed books and orders for books from digitized catalogs.
The book pick-up machine is located inside the Library building. Access to it is possible through the WUL's employees entrance, next to the parking. Before entering the book pick-up machine room, one must verify the library account by entering the account number (starting with the digit "2") on the digital keyboard placed next to the entrance to the building and confirming it with the ENTER key. After positive verification, the security guard admits the user to the room with the book pick-up machine. Upon entering the Library building, on request of the security, user must present library card/ student/employee ID card, therefore you must have it with you.
The book pick-up machine is available without restrictions 24/7, also on non-working days. In the evening hours, from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., one should enter the drop box room one at a time.
In order to use the book pick-up machine, one must authorize it with a valid library card/ student/employee ID card. After obtaining a positive authorization, the screen will display information about the user's library account status and books available in lockers with the option of selecting a specific locker to open or open all lockers dedicated to a given user with ordered books. When the user opens the locker/lockers, the fact of borrowing the books is automatically recorded in the user's account. It is possible to print out the confirmation of the book borrowing transaction or to send it to the e-mail address provided by the user, saved on the user's library account, or entered directly on the keyboard displayed on the bookstore monitor. The dates and limits for borrowing library materials through the book pick-up machine are the same as those made through the Local Lending Department - in accordance with the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library
The locker in the book pick-up machine will not open if, at the time of collecting the ordered books: the library account is invalid, the library account is blocked (e.g. due to detained books and charged financial penalties), the expiry date of the library account is shorter than the date of return of the ordered library materials or the number of books in the locker exceeds the limitations of the one's library account.
Ordered books should be collected from the book pick-up machine within 5 calendar days from receiving the e-mail notification. If they are not collected within this period, they will be removed from the book pick-up machine and the order will be canceled.
If you want to use the lockers from lower rows, when ordering books in the WUL's online catalog, select the option: to the book pick-up machine - easy access zone. In all other cases, the books will be placed in the boxes randomly, depending on their availability.
Any doubts and complaints related to the usage of the book pick-up machine should be immediately reported directly to the WUL's Local Leanding Department, phone: (0048) 71 375 76 01 or to the e-mail address sw.bu[w]
Fulfilling of users' orders with the option to collect them in the book pick-up machine is done during the working hours of the Library. The ordered materials may be placed in one or more lockers of the book pick-up machine. Ordered library materials can be picked up after receiving an e-mail with confirmation that they have been placed in the book pick-up machine.
If there is no free space in the book pick-up machine, orders will be transferred to the WUL's Local Lending Department, and the user will be notified of this via e-mail.
We encourage users to take advantage of the new option of collecting books in the WUL.