Rules of using the WUL's library drop box

Program jest realizowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków EFS w ramach Programu Operacyjnego „Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój”, Oś Priorytetowa nr 3 „Szkolnictwo Wyższe dla Gospodarki i Rozwoju”, Działanie 3.1 „Kompetencje w Szkolnictwie Wyższym”.
1. The library drop box is used for the user-friendly return of books borrowed from WUL, especially on days and hours when the library is closed. It is installed with the users' convenience in mind and works 24/7, i.e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's goal is to facilitate the return of books, and thus accelerating their circulation between users. Note: The drop box does not accept books belonging to the departmental libraries of the University of Wrocław and other libraries in Wroclaw.
2. The drop box is located inside the Library building. Access to it is possible through the WUL's employees entrance, next to the parking. Before entering the drop box room, one must verify the library account on which the borrowed books are located by entering the account number (starting with the digit "2") on the digital keyboard and confirming it with the ENTER key. After positive verification, the security guard admits the user to the room with the drop box. Upon entering the Library building, on request of the security, user must present library card/ student/employee ID card, therefore you must have it with you.
3. The drop box is available without restrictions 24/7, also on non-working days. In the evening hours, from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., one should enter the drop box room one at a time.
4. To use the drop box, select the "Open door" icon on the touch screen, and then follow the displayed messages.
5. Books should be inserted gently, one at a time, with the spine inward.
6. The return of the materials via of the drop box is automatically registered in the library system. Doubts and complaints should be immediately reported directly to the WUL's Local Leanding Department, phone: (0048) 71 375 76 01 or to the e-mail address: sw.bu[w] (sw[dot]bu[at]uwr[dot]edu[dot]pl).
7. Delayed return of library materials (exceeding the deadline for return) does not release the user from paying the fee for the untimely return of the book. Please print the return confirmation and present it in the event of a complaint. The confirmation is printed by selecting this option on touch screen after the return has been made.
8. Books are removed from the drop box during the Library's working hours, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Periodic changes in the Library's working hours (e.g. shortening of opening hours, days off) translate accordingly into the hours of taking books out of the drop box. During holiday periods – with WUL's prolonged closing time - the drop box may not accept the returned books in the event of overfilling.
9. In the case of damage or dirtiness of the returned books, that were unnoticed prior to the borrowing, the Library reserves the right to ask the user for explanations.
10. It is prohibited to put any items in the drop box, except for the WUL's books.
11. The drop box room is monitored.
12. The use of the drop box is tantamount to the acceptance of these Rules as well as the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library.
We encourage users to take advantage of the new option of returning library materials to WUL.