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Free Access to the collections at the University Library - opening

On January 4th, 2021, the University Library grants access to some of its collections in the so-called Free Access Area. The book collection previously excluded from use due to the implementation of the RFID system in the WUL is made available to our Users again at 2 levels of open access area and in the Main Reading Room. Please read the Rules for using the collections in Free Access area and how they arranged on the shelves. The book collection was arranged in a subject order according to the Classification of the Library of Congress in Washington. The description of the fields, their brief characteristics and locations at each level are available: Here.

Due to epidemiological restrictions and ministerial guidelines, at each level in the Free Access area, 20 people may be present at one time, with all precautions required during their stay in the WUL’s building. If you want to use Free Access - prior registration is not required. Movement of people in the Free Access areas will be regulated on an ongoing basis by the librarians. Using of the Wi-Fi network, individual and group work cabins in Free Access area will be possible in the second quarter of 2021.

Meanwhile, we invite you to use individual work cabins in the Main Reading Room and the Wi-Fi network available in all reading rooms and in the WUL’s Informatory.

We invite you to use the collections available in the Free Access areas from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m