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We inform our Users that from May 25th, 2020 the option to use the Wroclaw University Library's Local Lending Department and Information Point will be restored.
All services provided by the Local Lending Department will be restored, ie:
- electronic ordering of books,
- borrowing and returning library materials,
- settlement of circulation cards,
- activating library accounts.

Please order library materials only from outside of the Library.
The Local Lending Department will be open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (with a break from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.) and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Attention! During the week-days, between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. the Library and Local Lending Department will be closed. During this time, disinfection and cleaning duties with the returned book collections, which then will be quarantined, will be carried out.

We inform that quarantined books will be marked in the computer catalog with the status: "in quarantine". Books with the status "available" can be ordered through a user account in the online catalog.

Due to the ongoing threat of Covid-19 virus infection, taking care of the safety of both Users and the Library's employees, please exercise extreme caution when moving around in the WUL's building and comply with the following rules:
- 15 Users wanting to use the Local Leanding Department may enter the Library's building at one time;
- if more people are gathering in front of the building, please wait for the entrance, maintaining at least a 1.5 meter spacing;
- adherence to current guidelines/recommendations of the Library's employees and building security staff;
- using protective masks (gloves are also recommended) and disinfecting your hands as soon as you enter the building;
- going only to the Local Lending Department and after leaving the counter to leave the building;
- using ordered books only outside of the Library;

We inform that in the Local Leanding Department there will be 2 service points marked as follows:

Please approach the counter singly, go to the right point and follow the instructions of the librarian.

We also inform that in the period from March 13th to August 31st this year no statutory penalties will be charged for late delivery of library materials.

WUL's reading rooms and Informatory will be closed. Users will be notified of their reopening by an announcement on the WUL's website.