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We inform our Users that because of the planned for this year (up to November/December) moving of the University Library collections located in the building on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St. to the building on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St., soon the rules for using departments of the Library on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St. will be changed. In connection with the above:

  • We encourage Users to borrow more necessary library materials.

  • We inform that during the moving of the collections Users will not be charged with the statutory penalties for overdue return of the library materials.

  • During the moving of the collections, the period for borrowing books will be extended (up to 30.09.2019 with the possibility of prolonging until 31.12.2019) as well as number of borrowed items (students - 20 volumes, PhD students - 25 volumes, academic employees of University of Wrocław - 30 volumes, other employees of University of Wrocław - 15 volumes, academic employees of other universities - 20 volumes).

Schedule of the upcoming activities

Main Reading Room and Catalog Information in Wroclaw University Library's building on K. Szajnochy St.

  • On May 6th, 2019 (Monday), the Main Reading Room and the Catalog Information will be closed in the building on ul. K. Szajnochy 7/9, in connection with the preparation for disinfestation of the entire book collection and card catalogs. During the moving of the collections, we encourage Users to use the WUL's departments on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St. (the Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room, the Silesian Collection Reading Room, the Informatory and the Special Collections' Reading Room - accordingly to Rules of collection circulation in Wroclaw University Library).

Electronic ordering of books from the building on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St.

  • Up to May 8th, 2019 (Wednesday), 12:00 p.m., it will be possible to send electronic orders for library materials (i.e. books, stored in a building on Szajnochy St.). After 12:00 p.m. (May 9th) it will be impossible to order books (from the computer and digitized catalogs) from the collection located in the storage department on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St. and from specialized book collections from WUL's departments on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St. Ordered library materials can be collected in the Local Lending Department.

Local Lending Department/borrowing

  • From May 9th (Thursday) to the end of the month, i.e. May 31st (Friday, up to 7:00 p.m.) Local Lending Department located in the building on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St. will issue library materials ordered by May 8th.

  • Until the Local Lending Department is re-open in the location on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St., i.e. until September 30th of the current year, Local Lending Department on K. Szajnochy St. will also collect borrowed books and prolong terms of their return as well as library accounts, and will settle obligation cards for students and circulation cards of University employees.

  • From October 1st, this year all of the above transactions will be carried out in the Local Lending Department (level 1) on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St..

Interlibrary Lending Department

  • The Interlibrary Lending Department will order library materials from libraries, both domestic and foreign, to WUL's Users up to 14.06.19 (Friday). From October 1st, this year interlibrary loans (limited only to borrowing/importing books from domestic and foreign libraries) will be carried out in the Interlibrary Lending Department (level 1) on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St.

  • We inform our Users that after May 6th, this year ordered materials will be available only in the Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room in the WUL's building on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St. It will not be possible to order materials via interlibrary loans from the WUL's general collection, which will be moved to the new building, except for the collections of the departmental libraries of the University of Wrocław.

We will inform Users about all current changes through the University Library website (

We apologize for inconvenience.