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Dear User,

based on Art. 13 and 14 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (referred to as "RODO", "ORODO", "GDPR" or "General Regulation on Data Protection"), we inform you about the rules for processing your personal data in the Wroclaw University Library.

Who will be the administrator of your data?

The administrator, responsible for ensuring that your personal data are processed in accordance with the regulations, is the University of Wroclaw, Uniwersytecki 1 Sq., 50-137 Wroclaw.
The administrator has appointed a Data Protection Supervisor, which you can contact via e-mail: .
We have obtained the following types of your personal data: name and surname, pesel number, identification document number, home address, place of employment address, address of the place of study, library card number, contact telephone, e-mail address.
Please accept that your personal data will be kept for:

  • in the case of creating a library account - after regulating of user’s liabilities to the Library and accrued penalties (if applicable),

  • in the case of completed orders for library materials (order slip):

    • up to 1 month in reading rooms to prepare statistics on the access to collections,

    • until return of the borrowed library materials to the Storage Department,

  • in the case of the Local Lending Department - the order slip is given to the user when the borrowed library materials are returned,

  • User's Declarations submitted to the Special Collections' Reading Room are stored for one year from the day of submitting the Declaration.

What kind of data we are talking about?

It is about personal data that are collecting during your use of the services provided by the Wroclaw University Library: subscription to the Library via online forms, ordering library's materials via online forms, ordering special collections in the Special Collections' Reading Room, website, services and other functionalities provided by the Wroclaw University Library website:

Why do we want to process your data?

The main purpose of processing your personal data is to circulate the collections of the Wroclaw University Library, to recover them or their equivalent, and to conduct statistical and reporting activities.
The specific purposes of processing personal data:

  • to allow authorized persons to create a library account in WUL, that entitles to borrow library materials or to use them locally in the reading rooms - in accordance with the Rules of collection circulation in Wroclaw University Library;

  • in order to contact the user (via e-mail, GG communicator, telephone contact, if the user has made it available or traditionally ba letter via the Polish Post) and to provide him with information, i.e. on the expiration date of the borrowed library's materials, on library's materials that have not been returned on time and consequent statutory penalties, on the completion of orders for the Reprographic and Digitalization Unit, sending the newsletter and for other information purposes, including library inquiries made by users, interlibrary orders and invitations to events organized by the Library;

  • in order to fulfill electronically submitted orders by users (online order slip) to the Local or Interlibrary Lending Department or to the reading rooms;

  • in order to authorize another person to collect the library's materials ordered by user on the basis of the Authorization - appendix to the Rules of collection circulation in Wroclaw University Library;

  • in order to create a Proxy account by completing an online form - access to licensed electronic resources from outside the university network;

  • in order to use the services of the WUL's Special Collections' Reading Room by the authorized users (User's Declaration - appendix to the Rules of collection circulation in Wroclaw University Library)

  • for statistical and reporting purposes performed for the purposes of the University Library and the University of Wrocław (data provided quantitatively);

  • in order to fulfill the users' orders for making copies from library's materials in the WUL's Special Collections’ Conservation Workshop;

  • in order to fulfil the Library's duties, consisting of meeting the educational, cultural and informational needs of the general public and disseminating knowledge and culture;

  • other possible purposes of personal data processing relate to the protection of public property (video monitoring), audits or investigations, scientific and historical researches as well as the need for archiving.

The above objectives are implemented in the traditional and electronic form.

Who can we provide data to?

In accordance with applicable law, your data may be transferred to entities processing it at the request of the University of Wroclaw, for example, companies that collect debts on behalf of the Wroclaw University Library and entities authorized to obtain data under applicable law, e.g. courts or law enforcement authorities - of course only when they make a request based on an appropriate legal basis.

What are your rights to your own data?

You have the right to request from the administrator to access data, rectify, delete or limit their processing and the right to object to the processing, as well as the right to transfer data. However, these rights may be limited by a special legal regulations.
You have the right to withdraw your consent, which is the legal basis for the processing, at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data.

What are the legal basis for processing your data?

Each processing of your data must be based on a legal basis in accordance with the applicable provisions. The legal basis for the processing of your data in order to provide services by the Wrocław University Library is the Libraries Act of June 27 1997.