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Students of all faculties and employees of:

  • Chemistry Department of UoW,

  • Institute of History of UoW,

  • Social Sciences Department of UoW,

  • Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy of UoW,

  • Institute of Pedagogy of UoW,

  • Institute of Psychology of UoW,

  • Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of UoW,

  • Institute of Polish Philology of UoW,

  • Institute of Information and Media Sciences of UoW,

  • Institute of English Philology of UoW

  • Institute of of Geography and Regional Development of UoW

can in library of their home Department or Institute, without need to visit Local Lending Department of Wroclaw University Library, Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St. arrange following affairs:

  1. activate for free, in accordance with the rules of subscription to Wroclaw University Library, the library accounts based on electronic student’s ID cards with photo;

  2. prolong active library accounts for current academic year on basis of electronic student’s ID card with photo, valid for current academic year;

  3. prolong library cards for current academic year:

    • students – on basis of student’s ID card valid for current academic year;

    • employees - on basis of identification document and proof of employment if he or she is not in database of Wroclaw University’s employees;

  4. report loosing library card or electronic student’s ID card in order to block users’ account – in other case all responsibilities for library materials borrowed with lost card will fall upon owner of that card;

  5. report changes in postal or e-mail address and telephone number;

  6. report undertaking second faculty and form of it, if this second faculty is on the same department;

  7. report undertaking graduate studies after finishing licentiate;

  8. terminate library liabilities in Library of one’s Department or Institute, proved with stamp on student obligation card or circulating card.


  • changes in name or first name should be reported in Local Lending Department of Wroclaw University Library, Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.;

  • employees and students of all faculties without electronic student’s ID cards with photo, receive traditional library card (fee 20 PLN) accordingly to statute of subscription to Wroclaw University Library, only win Local Lending Department of Wroclaw University Library, Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.